So Obsessed

Confession is I am slightly obsessing over this guy
I watched One Day in 2011 and at the time completely missed his amazingness.
Rewatched one day today after 4 years and I've fallen in love...he's voice is so calming, his face is beautiful - total eye candy.
I am so surprised he isn't well known :(
I started watching his movies... Stoneheart asylum was great, next on the list is upside down.

Great looking guy, based on interviews he seems like he has a great personality too, plays the guitar/sings so obviously he's very talented.
But all I can say is I hope to god the girl he's dating/has dated have AMAZING personalities because seriously...the guy has a pretty average taste in girls.
In a way that only makes me like him more since he must not care about looks??? haha


If u fwd yer fav will so so so find it

Have high hopes for
London Fields
hope he does not put on 2 much weight 4 the roel

Gelebt haben. Zu sterben, um wieder zu leben.
