John Wilkes Booth

So I just watched the trailer for Lincoln...and Tommy Lee Jones and his wig was so amusing, it made me curious as to who would be playing John Wilkes Booth.

I'm assuming it's this guy from the fact that the name of his character is left blank in the cast list, combined with the fact that he looks "mean."

Anyone else get this impression? Or has this already been confirmed anyway?


This is an excerpt from an interview he did with Gotham Magazine. I like your theory, and wondered the same thing, but after doing some digging, it looks like he's not playing Booth...

Q: I have to ask you about your two huge upcoming projects. Who are you playing in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln? Can you talk about it?
MS: Oh yes, of course. My character is called George Yeaman. He was a second district attorney Kentucky congressman. He was a Democrat, but voted against party to secure Lincoln the swing votes he needed to pass the thirteenth amendment. It was an important time because he had to get the bill passed before the South reentered the Union. Otherwise, it never would have passed. Yeaman was actually a lame-duck congressman, so his vote was even more crucial.

