MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > They Shouldn't Edit Kristen's Words

They Shouldn't Edit Kristen's Words

This is what she said on camera:
"You don't have to be like uh, a politically involved person to be like uber-aware of like the fact that very basic humanitarian ideas are being so incredibly trampled on, um" said Stewart.

"My movie is about some guy who goes through heartbreak and is super sad about it, and that was my friend thing I was thinking about for three years. And it feels really like first-world white-people bullsh!t problems, and I came here a little bit nervous about it, considering like the timing, because people are going to be like, 'That doesn't matter,' like uh " she said. "But I feel like things are going to shift in this really beautiful way."

This is how the same paragraphs were reported, at least on The Hollywood Reporter:

"You don't have to be a politically involved person to be uber-aware of the fact that very basic humanitarian ideas are being so incredibly trampled on," said Stewart.

"My movie is about some guy who goes through heartbreak and is super sad about it, and that was my friend thing I was thinking about for three years. And it feels really first-world white-people problems, and I came here a little bit nervous about it, considering the timing, because people are going to be like, 'That doesn't matter,' " she said. "But I feel like things are going to shift in this really beautiful way."
The printed version doesn't convey the true level of intelligence and poise that Kristen Stewart demonstrated on camera. The printed version also doesn't say that Kristen was rocking back and forth while she was talking. Her body language may mean nothing or it may indicate that something serious is amiss with her.


Are you troll?The tone of your post is a little ambiguous.


Was there anything in my post that wasn't true?


Well. Yes. That the fault of Hollywood Reporter. Not Kristen. Now you might want to look up the video I just mentioned of Kristen. A very cool moment if you asked me.


You or I might be nervous in such an interview and sprinkle our sentences with verbal ticks.

But Stewart is a highly successful actress and I would expect her to be skilled in communication. I'm sure her training as an actress probably involved some level of ad libbing or improvisation either as an exercise or to cover a fellow actor who missed their mark.

This isn't some acting exercise where a coach says "Kristen, pretend you're giving a sales presentation to land an important account, and by the way, someone just texted you with some bad news. Ready, set go!"

Stewart is talking about a project she herself is working on; no one knows more about it than she does yet she's doing a terrible job communicating it, reverting to Valley girl speech pattern and rocking back and forth. I felt uneasy watching her.


You're right. She's an actress not a presidential candidate. So just you know, Mr. Prim and Proper, there are people who don't really like "smooth talkers" I am one of them. Its not about speech pattern, its about what's in the heart. There are people who talk all fancy and cannot get jackspit done. Those are people one calls "All Talk And No Game." Kristen Stewart is no fancy speech-maker but whatever she wants done she gets it done. The world does not people like you, going around and playing "Manners Police", you probably can't even tell your kids what to do, much more "dictate" to Kristen Stewart how she should speak or behave. Now, you want fancy talk? Go watch Barack Obama.


Speaking of Barack Obama, he sometimes over-relies on teleprompters. He stutters and stammers too. Yet, he is considered a great speechmaker. Why? He has CONVICTION when he speaks. He believes in himself. Stewart believes in herself. Believe in yourself, that's what matters more than fancy smooth talking. Funny. Your username is "Politically Incorrectone" yet you are telling Kristen Stewart how she should speak or behave.Sounds very POLITICALLY CORRECT to me.


You might want to mention the video where Kristen, when asked about the nasty tweets Trump posted about her in 2012, she just laughed it off, looked into the cameras, flashed a peace sign, smiles and said "What's up buddy?" Kristen Stewart taking the high road over someone who publicly attacked her in the past, is something you might want to discuss as well, being that you are so against censorship.


I feel that Kristen is very intelligent and has very good insights and instincts. She had these things even at an early age in interviews that I've seen her in and that's always impressed me. That said though I also do wish she'd learn to avoid the speech ticks, Valley girl stuff but I also realize that's who she is. Even though mature and intelligent she still has a sense of youth about her.

I remember with myself years ago I'd use "like" and "you know" too often, like so many young adults of my peer age. I realized it and made a conscious effort to change from that, and did change. As a result I sometimes wonder if Kristen will do the same at some point. In her defense though she's often talking about some in depth and complex items and these verbal pauses give a person time to organize thoughts.

Do you need a bowman!?
