MovieChat Forums > Octavia Spencer Discussion > Somebody hand her an oscar...

Somebody hand her an oscar...

She was brilliant in The Help! Amazing performance.


i just came to make a post:

"she just won her oscar"



Exactly what I came here to post. She was terrific in The Help. Best Supporting Actress Oscar for sure!


just got home from seeing THE HELP. Love her. She is wonderful.
So happy she got this we all will get to know her.


I agree. I know everyone is talking about Viola Davis (who was also great in the film), but Octavia Spencer was amazing. Her performance is the one I keep thinking about. I really hope she gets a nod come oscar time.


She's going to pull a Mo'Nique. Just walk in a get a nom. Maybe a win.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Agreed! What an incredible stand-out performance.


Kathryn Stockett met Octavia Spencer before she started writing The Help. Octavia was 100 pounds heavier, on a diet which made her very crabby, and trying to endure a really bad heatwave. She wasn't the nicest person, but she caught Kathryn's attention and they became friends. Kathryn based her character, Minny, on Octavia and was thrilled when Octavia was available to play the part in the movie. (Octavia was interviewed by Nate Berkus and told this story.)


I just saw it today, she was remarkable. I have seen her face many times over the years. Now I know her name. Nomination for sure. Oscar I hope so... Excellent. Viola was great, but Octavia blew me away!!!
