MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Jussie should come clean now...

Jussie should come clean now...

It's obvious his Nigerian accomplices rolled on him. They don't get released at the same time he hires Michael Monico as a coincidence. And how did he afford to hire Monico? One of the most expensive lawyers in the country. He's a D-list actor and rapper. Was Lee Daniels in on this? Is FOX paying his legal bills?

My guess is that the lack of official information being released by the Chicago PD is because they are desperately trying to get a confession from him to avoid a trial, that would be a media circus. And likely offering him an easy deal in exchange. They should throw the book at him. He kept 12 detectives off their normal duties to investigate his fraud.


If this does somehow turn out to be a 'hoax', I hope they go easy on him.


Why? He has tried to incite racial animosity to personally benefit from it. He had Chicago PD's resources focused on investigating a fake claim over real crimes.

In principle there's no difference between what he and other fake hate crimes hoaxers have done and white women a century ago that would falsely claim a black man raped them to cover up an affair or why they weren't a virgin. And inflamed racial tensions that often led to violence.


Trust me. You win by assuming the higher ground.

If, and you still don't know yet, Smollett is part of a hoax, by going lenient on him what scope does he have to play the 'martyr'? He's robbed entirely of his one trump hand (no pun intended): the 'victim card'. Anytime the hoax comes up in future he can keep being reminded how nicely he was treated.

It takes a progressive liberal to know one, and there's one thing us progressive libs hate more than anything else: losing the right to play the victim.

That's why, whenever I've been wronged, I always bend over backwards to forgive the person who has wronged me. Your girlfriend cheats on you. Forgive her. Your girlfriend slaps you about. Forgive her.

Transfer the guilt. Kill them with kindness.


Your girlfriend cheats on you. Forgive her. Your girlfriend slaps you about. Forgive her.

Transfer the guilt. Kill them with kindness.

That isn’t good advice.

You’re just a cuck trying to reframe his helplessness as moral superiority.


I'm not 'helpless', or 'morally superior'.

I'm just smart, and revenge is, as they say, best served cold.

Fighting fire with fire never works.


You’re sleeping in another dude’s jizz.

That isn’t smart.


I never said anything about continuing to sleep with her.

I just said, I wouldn't go ballistic on her ass. I'd forgive her, and be as understanding as possible. But I'd still leave her, as nicely as possible, to simmer in her guilt.


You sound like a dumb redneck


No, you're not smart. You're weak and clueless. This isn't just bad advice, it's idiotic.


Give it up Jussie, we know it's you!


I understand your logic, but these are not analogous scenarios. Infidelity is not illegal. You can torture your ex-girlfriend with kindness all you want and that probably won't have any effect on whether she does it to another guy. And who really cares (besides the next guy?) if she does? What Smollett seems to have done is far more insidious and poisonous to the society at large. It makes a difference if he's made an example and sent to prison for a few years. He deserves it. In this case it's the entire country that deserves justice. Killing him with kindness will probably just encourage him to continue pretending to be a victim, and it won't be a deterrent to the next scumbag looking to parlay racism into media exposure.


Well, all I know is that if I were Jussie, I'd prefer to play the part of the martyr and be punished, than treated with kid gloves.

If he's treated nicely, despite trying to hoodwink all of society into believing he was the victim of a racist/homophobic assault, where does that leave him? It proves he is completely and utterly wrong about society, and that we're all much more tolerant and reasonable and decent than he wants us to believe. It kills his 'Trump's America is an evil country made up of bigots' narrative stone cold.

Admittedly I say this all as a progressive liberal who nevertheless hates the mendacious BS and lies some of my fellow 'progressive liberals' keep pumping out. The truth is, a lot of them would actually have preferred Jussie's story to have been true. They'd seriously have preferred him to be the victim of a serious hate crime than be confronted with the reality that, hey, maybe he wasn't assaulted by a pair of MAGA-cap wearing white supremacist bully-boys.

But like I say, it takes a progressive lib to know one, and I can tell the rest of you that if you really want to hurt these people the best thing is to show them that they're wrong. Demonstrate to them that, hey, maybe not all Trump-supporters are dyed-in-the-wool bigots. Maybe a good few of them are actually more tolerant and more forgiving than some of us on the political left.

The worst thing to do however would be to confirm their prejudices.




That's so true.


In fact, I'm going to steal it, and make it my motto.



>>If this does somehow turn out to be a 'hoax', I hope they go easy on him.<<

What the hell for? One, it is a crime to report a false criminal event. Plus, no matter the intent, if this is a hoax, it incited a LOT of anger not to mention gain himself notoriety and compassion.

If found to be a hoax he should be penalized to the fullest extent of what punishment the law allows in such a crime.


His career would be over if he admits the attack was set up. He will see this through. That's why he hired top lawyers (not just one)


He's gay and he's black, which means he's pretty much bulletproof. But I do wonder how the wizards in Hollywood will spin this.


Here's how: "being black and gay results in such constant and severe oppression, it makes you unable to know when it's actually happening."
Watch them use this approach.


Im hearing the Go Fund Me fraud couple is trying to get ahold of Jussie and tell him what the next course of action should be.
