MovieChat Forums > Harley Quinn Smith Discussion > A face only a father could...

A face only a father could...

Put into a movie!

Yikes. Untalented, unattractive chick.


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So she's been in 3 movies recently (one of which hasn't even come out so I doubt you've seen it) and you think that's enough to tell if she's a bad actress? And she's only like 16 dude, not even fully developed and everyone I've ever asked thinks she's insanely pretty for her age. The only people who seem to find her unattractive are the ones on this board saying the exact same bullsh*t you are. Maybe she is a bad actress, but we sure as hell haven't seen enough to even tell.


If by insanely pretty you mean "homely" then I agree.

Not saying she is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life but even made up and shot at flattering angles and with flattering lighting she is average at best. I have seen her "act" twice and she has no talent at all. Perhaps she will learn, perhaps she won't, but that doesn't change the fact people like her wouldn't get a foot in the door if not for nepotism.


So I'm guessing you saw holidays and tusk? An anthology movie for one and basically a cameo in tusk... That's barely anything. And even in those pictures (which are kind of unflattering) she still looks good.


I understand if you don't like her acting but why are her looks of such importance to you?


She is underage, you freaking pervert..... Remove that before you are banned


Well done!
