She's a pretty girl.

My god Kevin your daughter is so pretty and so beautiful.


She totally gets it from her very hot mother (she played Dante's fiancee in Clerks 2)


Yes she is.


Yeah that default IMDb pic is definitely working for her.

Utah! Get me two.


I'm not seeing it. I just clicked on her name after seeing her with a pic of Evan Peters and wanted to see who Harley Quinn was. She looks in her 30s definitely not her teens.


These are either desperate men who will go for anything with a hole between her legs or Smith fans attempting to be polite to their idol. While maybe not flat out ugly, this chick is most certainly not very attractive, even covered in makeup and with flattering lighting. Take a trip down to the nearest gas station where you live and there's about a 95 percent chance you'll see several chicks who are way hotter.




These are either desperate men who will go for anything with a hole between her legs or Smith fans attempting to be polite to their idol. While maybe not flat out ugly, this chick is most certainly not very attractive, even covered in makeup and with flattering lighting.

Either you're GAY or you favor females with non-curvy bodies akin to 10 year-old boys.

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:


Why? Because he's not into old looking teens with enough nose for three people?

That chick is not pretty... not even close...

But so what? Not everybody has to be pretty.

Maybe her personality makes up for it.

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!
