He is so HANDSOME.

This guy is the pure definition of what a man is suppose to be like, tall, dark and handsome.

Loved him in Evil especially the part where he comes to beat him up with a log and Gustaf's character gets very scared, he looked so cute.
I wanted to give him a hug - this despite him being the main villain in the movie.
Not only a great looking guy but a great actor too.


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I agree! I wanted to give him a hug too! Even though he is the villian in the film... he's so handsome!


He looked "cute"? He looked the snivling wimp and gutless pussy he was playing. The character is suffering a humiliation that will last him a lifetime, the well-deserved come-uppance for all the truly heinous and bullying things he has done to defenseless people, and you want to give him a hug.


I just discovered Vikings on Hulu and I'm now in love with this man. He's gorgeous and a great actor.


Same here :D

All time favorites


i agree! Gustaf is incredibly sexy!! i just watching him (play a disgusting vile character!) in the movie AUTUMN BLOOD and despite what he does in that movie, he's so hot!


Every time i kick my ball when i see him in viking. He is just so annoying.
