MovieChat Forums > Andy Serkis Discussion > So He's In Starwars.

So He's In Starwars.

Now that he's in the offical cast, who or what do you think he is going to play in Starwars Episode VII.

My guess would be the new "Chewy".

Link to Official Casting:


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Gollum cameo.


ET species jedi


Jar Jar Binks descendant.


I'm guessing a mo-cap alien!

Favourite movie of all time: "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"


And the "old" Chewy is supposed to have gone where, exactly, since Peter Mayhew is returning?

Andy Serkis will be a new character obviously, and one (hopefully) that he'll be able to make iconic.


He may be doing motion-capture again. I'm kinda getting that feeling, he'll probably be a bad guy character, something like a Boba or a Jango Fett. I'm sure he'll be great in the film.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Dont' know why but I immediately thought of bounty hunter Dengar. How cool would it be if both he and Boba Fett would join forces together, and try to get their revenge on Han Solo.
