Looks like-

I believe she looks like Molly Burnett (Melanie Jonas from Days Of Our Lives). Though in some angles she looks like Nicole Kidman.


Yes, but I think she also looks more like Naomi Watts.


Believe me or not, I came to this board to post "she looks like a mix between Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts"...I guess I'm late to the party.
The ressemblance with these 2 actresses can be seen in this photo especially

End of the line


I think she looks very similar to Naomi Watts. I walk into my friends house and he has 12 Monkeys on. First I'm like what the hell is this, this isn't the 12 Monkeys I know. Then I'm like why is Naomi Watts on a SyFy channel show. I was very confused. Then I came to imdb and it's not Naomi Watts, is some other chick that doesn't really look that much like her in her pictures.


Watching 12 Monkeys now. Totally thought she was Naomi Watts.


I am watching something with a young Sharon Stone and she looks like she could be Sharon's sister.


What's even funnier is we switched over to HBO and the new King Kong was on. So here we are switching back and forth between actual Naomi Watts and her doppelgänger.


To me in 12 Monkeys she looks like Felicity from tv show Arrow


To me in 12 Monkeys she looks like Felicity from tv show Arrow

Yes, with the tied back hair and the glasses. I thought "wow, she's got TWO TV shows?" Her and Emily Bett Rickards could be sisters, or even twins.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.
