Wake up Hollywood!

A Stunning babe that actually has talent?
YOu mean they actually exist?

If Hollywood doesn't put Ludivine in a major role (not Peter Pan) fast, I am going to stab myself in the heart with an ice pick. Idiots of Hollywood, there is money to be made, make Ludivine famous.

I agree with the other post saying that Hollywood should revert back to putting female european thespians on the big screen instead of idiot whores that made their way to the top by sleeping with all the big names in Hollywood.


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Patience Grasshopper, Ludivine's star will rise soon enough.

Besides her beauty and acting ability, I was also impressed with her command of the English language. That should help her get more roles in american movies.


If she speaks very well english, it is maybe because her father is a professor of English grammar


But Ludivine is super hot in "Swimming Pool." But I really don't think Hollyweird needs to tap other countries rich resources to put into their films. A hot chick in a poorly written script is still a hot chick in a bad movie. We've got Jean Claude Van Damme and whatever Ashton Kutcher vehicle for that already.

Keep Ludivine in France where she can continue to make consistently better movies than America, and hopefully draw more attention to the indy and import films. That will be what changes Hollyweird and ultimately pays off for us all.


I wouldn't be against Ludivine making movies in Hollywood as long as she chooses her projects carefully, and doesn't abandon her home country in the way Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas did.


real quick... how does france suck?

in any case i think ludivine has already said herself that the film industry in france is slowly dying (which i think sucks) and that the french are reverting more toward filming movies in the more "hollywood style" (which also sucks). this isn't so bad when you look at films like "saving private ryan", "a beautiful mind", "lord of the rings", etc. (not films like "pearl harbor", "tombraider", etc) so as long as ludivine chooses her films wisely and goes for the story instead of the paycheck (which i'm not too worried about considering her taste so far has pretty much worked) than she should be fine regardless of where the film is made and in what language they're acting in.
i just want ludivine to be recognized for her talent in this country and abroad because she deserves it. plus i'd like to see more of her (not just her physical self) in film because she's just so good.


That is so uncool to judge pple and call them whore when you dont even know them! Just cuz an actress istn european or whatever doesnt mean she slept around with producers and stuff...stupid! lol woo! imaturaty!
