Gun Safety

Apparently, Katee lost about half of her Twitter followers because after hearing about a 4-yr-old who accidentally shot and killed their father, she made a comment to "practice gun safety."
Yes, what a radical idea: to be safe when using firearms.
This was enough to upset some folks? People really are dickwads.


"Yes, what a radical idea: to be safe when using firearms.
This was enough to upset some folks? People really are dickwads. "

Obviously, so-called liberals hate guns and want people not to even have the freedom to own them--not even have the opportunity to exercise a bit of adult responsibility--so the audacity of this woman to vary, even if only a little, from 21-century liberal ideology is obviously unforgivable. Must be more of that liberal "tolerance" and "open-mindedness" I've heard about and have yet to witness.


My thoughts exactly, jayehawk.

Her tweet was entirely appropriate. Frankly, she's better off without the type of wackos who jumped ship over this. She will probably gain a lot more fans, and most certainly better quality fans.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Keep up the good work, Katee!


And you know the people who stopped following her were liberal how? Wow let me guess you don't, you just jumped to the conclusion because you are an extremist. Not all liberals think the same way about everything despite what Fox tells you.


Do you think conservatives abandoned in her in disgust over her suggesting that adults exercise a little responsibility over the possession they have that could be dangerous if misused?


Well why the heck would liberals care that she stated that people use guns safely? Despite what people like to go on and on about liberals like gun control not no guns at all. So it could easily have been people from both sides that were angry at something she said about it, seeing at it sounded like she said more than one thing, and people can see the same thing very differently, like we just have.


Frankly, she's better off without the type of wackos who jumped ship over this. She will probably gain a lot more fans, and most certainly better quality fans.



Twits should not be tweeting. She is better off without such wackadoodles 'following' her.


All she made was a completely non-political comment about being careful around guns after someone died from what seems to be poor gun safety. Then the left-wing hate came tweeting in about gun control and gun banning. Did you bother to read about it? It was even in HuffPo for all the progressives to peruse: 3436360.html

Her tweets seem full of common sense, and are non-political and relatively tame. There's nothing for anyone to pick an argument with..... except those persnickety progressives did, if the article is to be believed. Then she lost 100,000 or so twitters followers after the left-wing hate raged on and on.

You may be right. It may not have been progressives who un-followed her after her benign, non-political comments. It may have been those crazy anti-"gun safety" people that are always in the news.

Yeppers, you may be on to something.


----but she's also gained a significant amount thanks to gun-control supporters who've taken note of her perspective.----

That is also from the huffpo stating she gained twitter followers that are gun control. There are stupid people in both parties I mean look at the Tea party. And you don't know who took what from what she wrote it seems a lot of pro gun people hear gun safety, especially from someone in Hollywood and jump to the oh my god Liberals want to take my guns away panic mode.
