MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > what did she say that was actually so of...

what did she say that was actually so offensive?

I imagine most of the people mad at her don't actually have any idea what her comments actually were. I guarantee they cherry pick words and don't include the full context. Nothing I've seen seems that unreasonable, just a different perspective than the liberal view. What exactly did she say that was so out of line?


She told the truth that only real women menstruate, and she busted the delusion bubble of the trannies and their allies and pissed them off.


The Left can't fathom that she's a billionaire and does not champion the Leftist agenda, so they've set out to destroy her. But it's way too late for that! They can have Oprah instead.


They're just mad because they can't destroy her. She is "uncancellable" and they can't stand that. It's easy to do to a middle-class or poor person, or to an actor that doesn't have a ton of friends and credentials. But you try going after a billionaire, or someone with a powerful streaming studio backing them, you can forget it. They'll just come back swinging and knock you down harder than you intended to do to them.


I heard she started a Women's Relief shelter or something along those lines and funded everything herself so the government wouldn't force her to take men in dresses and the left lost their mind.


Not "the left" - A few attention seeking idiots on twitter .

If it was "The left" then the losing their minds would be more evident and widespread.
"The left" make up quite a lot of the users of this site . 40%? maybe even 50%

I challenge you to find one post on this site disagreeing with JK's views
or "losing their minds"


God bless her.


What she initially stated wasn't offensive, whether anyone personally agreed or disagreed with her. But her words stirred up a lot of online transphobia, which she supported and propagated by continually bringing up the topic again and again, revealing more and more that, despite her supposed support of the trans-community, she in fact shares a lot of transphobic sentiments - like bringing up the absolutely unfounded threat posed by "natal men" being able to use women's rest rooms to excuse her words or when she compared taking anti-depressants to using hormone suppressants; that was a triple whammy, since she was turning down her nose not only at trans people, but also the mentally ill and psychiatrists.

Here's a breakdown by someone on Twitter of some of the issues presented in J.K Rowling's tweets:

And all this later came off as a ploy to garner interest in one of her books, because it included a trans-character and people wanted to know what else she had to say on the topic, for better or worse.


The character in her book wasn’t really transsexual though, if I remember correctly.
But he was a murderer, who dressed up as a woman to get close to women and attack them.


I believe you're right, which makes all this even worse. Using the trans issue to boost sales while having no interest in or connection to any trans people, real or imagined, and causing harm to the trans community is slimy.


Really though, I don’t see how she used an issue to boost sales let alone caused harm to anybody.
But it's clear that she has infuriated a lot of people.


Don't imply or infer. Share a quote of what she said. Your post is a lot of what my point is. You have to intentionally look past her actual words to be offended. Also, you refer to her restroom concerns as unfounded, but that exact scenario HAS occurred.


Respectfully, I'll reply in any way I choose, and I won't suggest you do any different.

I didn't imply/infer, I stated. She liked the posts of transphobes making transphobic comments, that is explicit compliance with transphobia. And the examples you posted are not even close to credible, nor are they indicative of a common problem with the trans community. One was of a teen, not a natal man. As child advocacy centre Executive Director, Andrew Oliver points out, almost all bathroom assaults occur between children who are about the same age and who know each other - this is regardless of gender identity. It's actually transgender and nonbinary adolescents who are twice as likely to experience sexual violence as their cisgendered peers but are less likely to attempt rape or commit sexual assault. That makes this an isolated incident. Oliver also notes that it's pretty rare in children's cases for sexual assault to be carried out by a stranger, and far more likely to be undertaken by a neighbor, a family member, a family friend or someone who is close to the family. These are not typically trans-people.

As for the actual trans-person, they were described by the police as "extremely intoxicated." I don't know if I need to explain that to you.


The point of this post was to extrapolate her exact words, not infer something that wasn't said. And yes, this statement "But her words stirred up a lot of online transphobia, which she supported and propagated by continually bringing up the topic again and again, revealing more and more that, despite her supposed support of the trans-community, she in fact shares a lot of transphobic sentiments" is nothing but an inference to her words, not actual quotes, which was my point all along. And its complete nonsense for you to say my example isn't credible, the man was convicted. You are doing exactly what my post is exposing. You're conflating her stance with emotion rather than facts.


Then refer to the link I posted, as I did with yours. This link shows most of what she's said and accompanies her posts with a breakdown of relevant information. But you already know the things she's said, right? You're being purposefully obtuse because you don't want to understand. My replies have nothing to do with emotion, since I'm not trans and not at all harmed by her words or her stance, you're just not willing to actually consider she might be wrong.


I'm being purposely obtuse, but you seem to refuse to put actual quotes out there of what she said that's so offensive? lol, ok....Fyi, the link you provided is FULL of inferred offense that puts words in her mouth that she didn't say, and anything it refers to that's an actual quote of hers isn't actually offensive. So, yeah, thanks for proving my point I guess.🤷‍♂️


Tras women are women

Glad Hogwarts Legacy decided that inclusion matters this post is Bigoted and Mentally ill


And trans women are NOT mentally ill?


No, not based on any real research and scientific study. Gender dysphoria is not even registered as a mental disorder, but it can develop mental illness as a result of living in the incongruent body for too long as it can generate depression. People who want to kill off trans people use the tactic of them being mentally ill in order to devalue their true experience that has a basis in their neurobiology, and that is the way how to discredit their gender identity, which has been found to have biological roots as well, so it's not like they pulled their gender out of their asses or something, it is an experiential truth that seeks the right physical vessel that reflects their neurobiological connections and self body perception originating in the preoptic area of their brain. Nazis were trying to eliminate anyone who devaited from their norm, their pure race, they started with gays and trans as well, now we're watching the history repeat itself, I hope people start waking up. It is almost like it has all been made to rile up the public against a minority of people, for what reason, division, fears, I mean think about it, how else to distablize a nation other than you divide it through various beliefs, so that they can not unite against the larger enemy when it comes.


never heard of the mass killing of trans people, why does it not shock me that the world "nazi" is somewhere in your post?! equate the people you don't like with adolf and in your weak mind thats the argument "won" right?

nobody is trying to kill trans people, 99.9999% of the world, even the hardest conservatives couldn't care less. it seems based on your logic that if i don't want to call some dude in a dress "she" then i'm trying to gas him.

grow up and stop with this nonsense


There are lliterally people out there calling for elimination of trans people, dozens of people pleading for genocide openly. There is a proposed legislature implemented to prevent these people getting hormonal therapy in order to save their lives, many of them dont get to live into adulthood to get this therapy. Mind you this is just my opinion, but I believe this is all part of the larger conspiracy how to insure disconnection from our body within the populace, virus and vaccines have been part of this same strategy. And yes it is well documented that in Nazi Germany Hitler opposed trans people and started eliminating all the research papaers into their biological condition and their clinics, they are a threat to the establishment for obvious reasons for anyone who has any understandings of the class-based hierarchical power ruling this world and how it operates, any social norm serves as an extension of the governmental power over its own people, this is how they rule through the black and white consciousness, through divisions. Trans people are a weapon used to generate more divisions, because they serve as a potential to help humans to transcend our carnality and our lower nature which naturally forces humans to have wars/conflicts over, they invert and distort their positive purpose within the society turning them into an enemy. Just like Jews have been used as a weapon while simultaneously knowing their potential to help humans transcend their old paradigm, Nazi Germany has been brainwashed by the idea what an impure race Jews are that needs to be eliminated. Anything that can cause fears and division is used against humans these days.


What a ridiculous post with such vague and exaggerated logic.
There is virtually no one calling for a genocide. Picking 2 or 3 crazy people out of millions does not equate a valid sample.

Regarding your previous post "this is not a mental disorder", it's true. Very recently it stopped being considered a mental disorder. But let's be honest...
One of the main reasons they gave for not considering this a mental disorder anymore was that "having this defined as mental disorder caused some prejudice and discrimination against these people".

So really, it seems like they changed it to not make people sad anymore.
And it's true, even though they may have mental disorders, it doesn't mean they should be discriminated.

But there is no scientific evidence sustaining this "mental belief" that "I am what I believe I am, not what biology tells me".
It's a dangerous conception that right now it's just accepted to not cause sadness and because people are afraid if being called racists, transphobic, homophobic, and be cancelled.


*Regarding your previous post "this is not a mental disorder", it's true. Very recently it stopped being considered a mental disorder. But let's be honest...
One of the main reasons they gave for not considering this a mental disorder anymore was that "having this defined as mental disorder caused some prejudice and discrimination against these people".*

It was classified as disorder also for political reasons so that trans people had the health insurance to cover their treatment, most people don't now this, that is why it was labelled as mental illness. However DMS5 lists only updated evidences, there's been more discoveries since then, that is also why. It was dishonest to list this as mental disorder because people use it as a weapon against them by not understanding in which way it is a disorder, not as a mental illness, but rather a disorder of the whole body, like a handicap that is causing distress, the same way any physiological deformity may do. There's several articles out there describing this situation, how it was not an appropriate way how to define it like this when it has genetic and physiological roots.


Genetic and physiological roots, and also social influence are causes for these behaviors to happen.

Regardless of all of this, it's understandable and commendable that people are protected, but it's not OK to live in a bubble of "yes, whatever you say" and believe in things that can be scientifically disproven.


It is astounding how much one attempts to delegitimize someone who is calling out an open genocide of groups of people. While also doing the same by trying to take away the validity of a real biological condition through pathologization. Completely dismissing the fact that transgender is not a behaviour, but something one is born with based on the available science. Watch out for patterns people, many of us are not even aware of doing it.

The point is that transgender condition and their gender can not be scientifically disproven since they are regarded by many scientists themselves as intersexed, there's currently about 50 million of trans people around the world and they have not been technically or medically delusional or mentally ill. -

Oh yes it is absolutely okay and should be okay to live in a bubble of "yes whatever you say" if that is someone's legitimate experience, who are you to say it is not, do you realize how harmful it is what you are saying? I'd suggest you to do more studies into the real science of gender and sex, and how it is all a ridiculous sexual construct and illusion that people cling to by invalidating the real experience and truth.

Most of the people have been brainwashed by a gender ideology fed to us by society for generations, it doesn't mean it is real or true either, it is just an ideology not based in science whatsoever.


Did you get a hair transplant? used viagra? taken preworkout or protein shakes to improve effects of exercise? gotten a haircut? Congratulations on your gender affirming care, did it make you feel more like yourself? how you want to feel and appear? Why would you want to stop someone else from enjoying the same privilege that you take for granted every single day? Would clarify that obviously this is an incredibly normative/binary list and that's kind of the point but none of these things are "owned" by any gender nor should they be, and the gender binary is fake, the end. For instance, "biologically female" is a bigoted rhetoric, it is a categorization of womanhood used in an attempt to deny trans women of the female experience, to other trans women, to name trans women as something different and separate from womanhood. Gender is a social construct. It’s often something we perform, to express ourselves in ways that we believe will best show us as the gender we consider ourselves to be. This is often something we cis people do unconsciously, but we do it all the time, even if we don’t realize it. We get gender-affirming care and we conform to the gender we see ourselves as. It’s the same as what trans people do. None of this is anything new.

Ignorance is not an excuse, especially the one that seems to rely on a flawed science from the beginning.


It's an interesting point that about hair transplant, etc.
I am a free person and I do a hair transplant if I want, and I dress however I want.

However, I do not demand to have my own private bathroom just because I did a hair transplant and I do not force people to call me "Hair Transplanted" instead of "man" because I feel like it.

So your point proves your own absurdity.


I don't see it as absurdity, most people do not understand how deep this goes philosophically. Thankfully great many scientists and government officials out there support trans people to be respected as sovereign dignified human beings to have their own place based on the changes in their body, because we understand gender/sex is rooted in a social ideology that creates specific spaces for each sex, that hair transplant will not make you assualted or killed, not likely, unlike the body that changes to such a level that is at the same chemical level of the opposite gender, that is as much sensitive and vulnerable physically, that is the fault of the system that was created rooted in sexism, mysogyny and bio-essentialism, not trans people. This is why we are in the process of deconstructing it. People have lost their minds when they started caring more about beliefs how someone was born than how they look and live right now, the body and lived experience takes precedence over the belief in the mind of someone else. To deny this is an act of oppression that stands in direct opposition to nature. No different from religion, scientism has become religionism itself, especially when it is politically motivated. Again, I am not even pointing to the fact that gender identity is rooted in biology and is a biological sex itself. -

Why trans people demand to have their own spaces and be gendered correctly is the same reason we do not treat suicidal people as if they're having a good time, using someone’s true pronouns and name is suicide prevention.


All expressions of life exist on a spectrum. The narrative of “2 genders” is just that - a patriarchal narrative. Part of human evolution is the rejection of singular narratives and the embracing of personal authority/sovereignty. The patriarchy has benefited from establishing a “norm” and labeling everything else as “degenerate”, but all humans are holy expressions of divinity. Assume that everything you have been taught as truth is merely an established narrative that keeps our world in duality and shadow. The only thing constant is change. Transgender humans are bringing mutation to the systems that we are attached to. Sports / Religion / Government / Healthcare / Media etc. are massive systems with money, prestige, rules, and hierarchy anchoring them. Systems self-protect which means that when the old rigid ways no longer serve them, they will reach a tipping-point that will bring expansive and evolutionary shifts or else they will crumble. The law of nature is change. If change scares you then you are not aligned with nature, you are aligned with the rigid systems that nature is in the process of deconstructing. If our ideology is dividing and constricting instead of unifying and expanding then we are using our creationary force to sow oppression instead of freedom. We are not free until all of us are free.


By the way, I need to remind you, most people seem to think holocaust was just against Jews, the fact is the nazi regime was a sect of extremist Christianity - they wanted to rid the world of all non-Aryan non-Christians. There wasn’t only jews and black people in those camps, there were seperate camps for lgbtq who went into gas chambers. In Jewish communities it is often acknowledged that this all happened and is one of the reasons people yell at the top of their lungs "never again". Various progressive circles and German parliament itself used to have a commemoration of the queer victims of the holocaust and Jewish survivors are very supportive of it. This is something most people have no idea about. What I have shared here so far is very much based in reality, it is not an exeggeration, it is based on years of study of socio-cultural and political events in our history interlinked with spiritual nature of human beings that forces humans to deligitimize or dehumanize people that fall outside of the norm, and often science is used as a political and ideological tool of oppression.

By the way you might find this video interesting, as I said there is a reason why I shared what I shared -


Well imo transphobic people are actually the real unhinged nutcases these days, and actual real dangers to this world, especially to women. Trust me most women do not fear trans women, but those who attack trans women, because they tend to mistake natal women for trans women and violently assault them. The overwhelming majority of women want trans women in their spaces, that's also why intersectional feminism is much larger than the psychotic TERF island, trans women pose one of the biggest threats to the establishment and the whole patriarchal system that exploits people's prejudices and fears, that's why the violence against them is nearly twice as high as against natal women, at least based on the statistics from the last 2 years. Trans women have been actually sharing spaces with women for half a century now, exactly since the early 1940's, at least based on documented records, it's possible it goes even further way back. So this whole uproar is political more than anything else. I mean claiming that trans women are men is absolute insanity in itself, it is offensive to the sociological side of genders that people embody. Our indigenous ancestors used to have multiple genders for these reasons in order to honor social and cultural side of gender as a function within the society, so that they could prevent the mental damage from the self imposed repression of natural body instincts that formulate one's gender identity. No one cares what kind of genitals you have, it is your gender identity that determines how you behave, To better give you an example: trans women were not born with the predatory impulse that natal men have because of their neurological network that makes their body operate in a reversed way within the sexual polarity, that is instead of thrusting impulses in a sexual act, they expect penetration. Orgasm is also rarely ever reached by touching a penis, but by rubbing the genital against the floor or pillow.


A large majority of your above three posts have been nothing but disingenuous fearmongering, poisoning the well and eliminating leeway for disagreements. Not everybody who thinks there's something wrong with trans people is trying to kill them, you know.

Everything you just said about neurobiology or any sort of scientific basis has already been abandoned by the trans activists themselves. Their current consensus now is man/woman is a socially invented identity. A word and nothing more. "A woman is anybody who calls herself a woman". It's exactly as stupid as it sounds.

Your comparison of legislature to limit hormone therapy, to pleading for genocide, is especially dishonest. Restrictions to any sort of medical treatment, especially for minors and young children, are to prevent creating, prolonging, and worsening the need for such treatments, on patients who are out of their damn minds and don't know what treatment they truly need. Especially since many of them act purely on influence, narcissism, or just want to have fun.

And the overwhelming majority of women do NOT want trans women in their spaces, because the male sex is still a thing, and they don't want the male sex in their spaces. If you sincerely believed otherwise, you would not have resorted to this much fearmongering in order to silence opposition from what you're probably claiming to be a tiny "minority". People who have said the same thing as you did, have also said that they wouldn't dare allow disagreements to be heard, without a TERF stamp ready to punish the disagreements. They wouldn't dare allow that many people to speak up.

And nothing you said proves that trans women are not mentally ill.


*Not everybody who thinks there's something wrong with trans people is trying to kill them, you know.*

But contribute to it highly, ultimately to the oppression on earth, just by thinking itself there is something "wrong" with someone for being true to themselves, there is not, and invalidation of someone's genuine experience is a psychic violence, just like misgendering, because disagreement rooted in invalidation stems from an unconscious hatred and fear, and I believe as humanity start more evolving in our inter-connectedness it is bound to get someone arrested just for that, and they can claim how they disagree all they want, that's a poor excuse. I can disagree with someone's existence to be alive too, at the end it would be rooted in fear and hatred encouraging violence and death. Hate speech against LGBTQ is already outlawed in Norway today.

Transgender condition is a biological phenomenon with history reaching back thousands of years and in my opinion a gift to this world to help humanity to release themselves from oppressive social norms impacting our psychological health and well being. Violence against these people is nearly twice as high as against cisgender population, that is why the whole rhetoric there is something wrong with them is harmful. People are literally born in the wrong bodies, that is a genuine experience of many of these people, and I think they shouldnt hide that feeling to appease ignorant people, because it is backed up by their neurological network in the brain, plus their sexually dimorphic region, their brain should naturally have no business to occupy that kind of body.


*Everything you just said about neurobiology or any sort of scientific basis has already been abandoned by the trans activists themselves. Their current consensus now is man/woman is a socially invented identity. A word and nothing more. "A woman is anybody who calls herself a woman". It's exactly as stupid as it sounds.*

Not really, I can see their point, and many of us out there agree, our society has been brainwashed for centuries and we are unlearning many of those things. The whole label man and woman is socially constructed of course, one doesnt need to be a genius to know everything is made-up, including time. It could be determined by any paremeter within the body simply based on science alone, the choice how to define woman was socially determined, no matter how at odds with nature it is. Sexual embodiment can have its own anchor anywhere in the body, the whole brain itself is a sex organ as well. By this they are bringing in freedom from the authority telling us who we are even though we know who we are, it is giving us back the sovereignty over our own body and identity. I dont know which trans activists have abandoned the scientific findings of their neurobiology, if they do so, it is foolish, it supports their own genuine experiences, it is reflected by their own biology, it does not come from the thin air or mental illness.


*Your comparison of legislature to limit hormone therapy, to pleading for genocide, is especially dishonest. Restrictions to any sort of medical treatment, especially for minors and young children, are to prevent creating, prolonging, and worsening the need for such treatments, on patients who are out of their damn minds and don't know what treatment they truly need. Especially since many of them act purely on influence, narcissism, or just want to have fun.*

That is what ultimately leads to suicide of these children, it goes against the recommendation of the American Psychological Assiociation and the large majority of therapists working with these people. It is not up to government to interfere in the medical treatment of people they are ignorant about, it is a harsh overstep and should not happen, how would it feel like if government was interfering in your own treatment, in something that is between you and the doctor. It is within the right of a parent and the doctor to give consent for a child, and that is being taken away. Many of these children know what they want, just like they know what makes them feel good, what they like to eat and what not, the reason puberty blockers were introduced for them in the first place because of the reports in several countries where children used to cut off their genitals as they couldnt hold on anymore, that is what gender dysphoria is. Based on studies I read these particular children should never ever reach puberty that is causing damage to their psychological well being and the body itself, again, this is based on the recommendation of therapists and psychologists working with these people, not outsiders who are ideologically driven with emotion and ignorance. Gender dysphoria itself is rooted in people's genes, and it differs in degrees in terms of severity, that is why preventing some children from transitioning ultimately leads to a systemic genocide of a certain portion of trans people in the population.


It is actually quite supported notion that the overwhelming majority of women do want trans women in their spaces, because their so-called male sex is no longer male as it used to be, what creates our male sex are hormones right from the utero, that's why they transition to be at the same chemical/hormonal level with cis women. It is the minority of bigoted groups of people that oppose this, not the majority. It is the gender identity that controls our male or female pattern behaviour, including our genitals. Whether some women want some trans women in their spaces is up to them, but trans women are by law required to occupy womens spaces, that's why they transition to live within the social role of a woman, otherwise what is the point. Their gender identity is tied to the body instincts which based on available studies makes them associate with the gender they identify as, we all have these body instincts, thats why men tend to cling with men, and women with women.

*male sex is still a thing, and they don't want the male sex in their spaces.*

There's many scientific papers proving they are not mentally ill for being transgender, anyone can google it. The reason DSM5 does not recognize even gender dysphoria itself for being mental disorder anymore because of the updated evidence. Mental illness can be treated psychologically, it can not be in their cases, because the root cause is not psyhcological/mental, thats why.


It's useless to debate that deluded nitwit. Not only is he hopelessly paranoid, but it's almost impossible to believe he dares use the word "man" in his handle. LOL



Honey, your mental hospital called. They're sending people to come get you so you don't hurt yourself again. They're also disappointed that you didn't take your pills, nor is the 12-step program working on you. Looks like you're gonna have to be put in isolation again. No internet privileges this time. Sorry.


Are you crazy? Go please get help. I've been merely sharing what many people out there know for a fact, including professionals in the field, it's certainly not for brainwashed zealots, but for those who are open to learn. Is this how you are devaluing other human beings? You can not debate with your ignorance so you succumb to dehumanization like a silly child, congratulations.


Shell always have to live as this horroble person with a reputation that will go down in history.


You can't answer the question because you're just reacting based on the echo chamber you dwell in. Got it.


I ask myself the same question and watched a few videos from trans creators and the worst examples of hate speech they can present is the most trivial and reasonable shit ever things like "men cant have periods" and stuff like that you know the kind of stuff 6 years old already know

She seens pretty liberal to me, if she's something is a supporter of the gay community is incredible how that community is so full of morons they are capable of attack a possible ally only because this ally dont agree on every point of their retarded agenda.


I agree. In facr, I've asked many times in other forums what she said, and the worst anyone can say is the "men have periods" comments. The vast majority link videos to someone else complaining about her and making a bunch of inferences.


She said there are two genders.
