MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > She Needs to STOP publicly bashing Scien...

She Needs to STOP publicly bashing Scientology

So Leah Remini got out of Scientology, and that is grand and good, but she needs to stop bashing that cult, be quiet and glad she's away from that madness, and go on with her life and career.

Those officials connected with Scientology are rich, powerful and could be dangerous, and its really no different than someone that was once part of the Mafia, who decides to leave, and then pubicly criticizes that organization, but a sane person would know better than to do that because they know if they DID, they would have to be put in protective custody.

But Leah continues to run her mouth about them to the media, and I don't know why she thinks she is so high and mighty that she can continue to do that. Or she's put herself on a pedestal because she's supposed to be the best friend of the almighty JLO.

Leah be grateful you made the decision to get out, so leave those people alone, stay out of their business, and focus on your newfound freedom from them, and try to prosper in your career!


Because it helps keep people away from that murderous cult.The more she talks about it the more there is awareness.

She's way to famous and outspoken for that scum to hurt her.

Scamology is a dangerous cult that should be banned.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


She's not that famous. She has one hit show that has been off the air for years now and hasn't done anything since.


she is famous she's been around a long time. I really like her shes awesome and her family seems to be nice as well can't figure out how they got sucked in to the freak cult


Here's the truth. We see everything.


You, you cute response. We see that.

Leah Remini has crossed us. You don't want to cross us as well.


Why are you- don't do that. Don't try to cross us.

For fecksak.. you're clearly deliberately trying to cross us. That's stupid.

I can cut this off at the kee. Yeah.

If all you, with your smbn and hp... if all you can't make me squat, then what can? Non-rhetorical question. I would say giraffes, for one thing.

Religion is a personal choice and if we ever get to the point where religion isn't personal, because of issues, then that will be a marvelous thing.

Leah Remini will surrender her word, when everything else fails.

She's cool.


Wow, what OT level are you? You need to get professional psychological help.

You sound like someone who is unhinged...with your threats. Doesn't sound like someone who has been helped by scamtology "tech".

Again, you're proving scamtology DOESN'T WORK. It just makes you crazier and angrier...and takes your money while they do it.

Hope you get help....ToryMagoo and Operation Clambake are good places for real info.

They make this stuff up as they go along.


She's not that famous. She has one hit show that has been off the air for years now and hasn't done anything since.

I lived in 4 countries and 2 continents ever since King of Queen aired and the re-runs are still on daily in all those countries.


Well she's more famous than you.

 we are legion


Isn't the whole point of Scientology to offer practitioners the "technology" (i.e., a vintage pop synthesis of philosophical positions, social strategies, regressive psychotherapy and zen meditation techniques) that allows them to "handle" suppressive personalities effectively? Isn't that what the tone scale is about -- recognizing someone who means harm to you and diffusing that harm perfectly? That's the gist of the pitch as I understand it.

If that's so, then Scientologists who attack Leah Remini with character assassination and transparently manipulative arguments are behaving as if it's still the '60s and people are that gullible. Trashing LR in public is probably the worst publicity for Scientology that anyone could devise. It's incredibly self-sabotaging and it reflects terribly on the tools that Scientology promotes. Is that really how a Clear handles apostates and dissidents?

Saying that LR is doing it for money is especially troubling given Scientologists' pride in getting paid for offering pragmatic enlightenment.

I'm not here to trash anyone -- certainly not Leah, but also not every Scientologist. I'm only saying that Scientologists should focus on their own practice and stop targeting critics, esp. famous critics. As evil as it was, Operation Freakout helped to derail a working journalist who investigated you in the '70s. That no longer works, especially when the target's nearly as famous as your church. Inventing silly charges against LR and posting them publicly in 2016 is effectively shooting yourself in the face. It only makes you look worse.
