cloverfield 2

I would recommend that they put another cloverfield in production, not a squeal but another telling of the story from the military point of view. Set it up like a real film, with lights and camera set ups and real cinematography and real acting. Give some story on the monster. Half way through the film, you can tie it in with a scene when the group comes out of the subway line and show the military side of the events. I think people would be happy with this sort of project.


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Only if this version will explain it's origins and show what happens after. The same thing would look cool but with no answers it would get annoying.

I am a man and I would gladly give birth to a baby if it were Keira Knightley's.


He never ruled it out and I believe he can do something good with it. Use other tapes and aftermath. It would have to be shaky cam but maybe not all the time. Survivor interviews, and documentary style. It would have to blow away the original


and the first one not giving answers was the point (even though they were given online) it wasnt supposed to be about the 'why it happened' aspect like everything else, it was supposed to just be about the experience, which is brilliant film making

I feel like a loop of the last eight frames of film.


The Host, is brilliant film making. Cloverfield? Well no reason to make a long, why I didn't like Cloverfield post. But if it wasn't for the shakycam, it wouldn't have brought anything new to the table.

We don't feel an experience really. I mean if it was what an epileptic monkey with a video camera, experiences during a monster attack, I guess we feel an experience.

I guess.

Some say, boy you're always teasin, I think you best be leavin.


Well, to each his own, but you have to appreciate the combination of the genres

I feel like a loop of the last eight frames of film.


Combination of what genres?

Some say, boy you're always teasin, I think you best be leavin.


seriously, Cloverfield sucked ass.

except nah

I feel like a loop of the last eight frames of film.
