MovieChat Forums > Tania Raymonde Discussion > dating Jeff Goldblum

dating Jeff Goldblum tm 3-98f2-c612f631b6f5

I like being a vampire
I was never really good at being human


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Wow this means I have a shot. lol


that's disgusting. i guess it's because she looks really mature for her age maybe that's why he doesn't feel odd being with her. she looks like she's 30.


I never quite get people's reactions to the effect that "that's so disgusting" and what not when they see a 20something involved with a much older man. They are both adults and the chances are that a guy over 50 has finally outgrown being a kid which it seems to me so many "grown" men still are these days.

And for the record I am NOT dating a much younger woman myself.

This post is dedicated to the glory of God, or Abe Vigoda, whoever’s older.


I couldn't date a woman close to my mother's age either. But that's because I prefer younger women personally. It's just my preference. But if I see a guy in his thirties with a woman who's, say, 65, I just think "Not for me, but more power to 'em, if they're happy. So damn few people are happy together. The guy obviously digs older flesh. Or he values things other than the exterior, like the experience and wisdom the old gal probably has."

Anyway, I wouldn't think it's really like dating your mom.. you'd be getting busy with the old broad, and you wouldn't with your mom.

This post is dedicated to the glory of God, or Abe Vigoda, whoever’s older.
