Leonard Nimoy

I just saw him on an episode of "24." Does anyone else think he looks like a young Leonard Nimoy???? Weird..


No. He looks nothing like him. You've been brainwashed because they both play Spock.


No, their facial shapes are different from each other, so are their eyes shape and size, they both have large noses but with different shapes, the character of their faces are different.
If you can't see the difference I suggest you take some lessons in portrait drawing then when you draw them you'll see the obvious differences.

I have to add that when the speculations about who would play new Spock started none of the actors suggested looked anything like Nimoy, dark brown eyes and dark hair isn't sufficient.

Don't tell me, it's no use to me. Tell yourself if you want to but don't tell me.


NO!!! His Spock actually more resembles the Spock action-figure (doll) from the seventies than he does Leonard Nimoy."Italy invented the pizza, took it to New York...but Chicago perfected it.".


How many times do you think you have posted this on this forum? Ive seen it at least 3 or 4 times. We get it. He looks more like the doll.


