MovieChat Forums > Laura Prepon Discussion > Her being in the cult is a major put off...

Her being in the cult is a major put off and it's hypocritical

I liked her, I really did... But her being in that freaking cult is really disappointing, to say the least.

Also, she's constantly talking, in regards to her Orange is The New Black show, how she supports LGBT and her gay friends yet that goes directly against the cults' believes and teachings (even though they are trying really hard to cover up the homophobia part). She's either a not-so-great cultist (which would make her a 'SP' and thrown out from the 'Church' right away) or she's a hypocrite.

It's just such a downer knowing she's been a part of that crap for so long :( I hope she sobers up before it's really too late. That idiocy should be banned by law ASAP!


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Hey, it's a free country and people should be allowed to believe what they believe, right?

If you didn't know she was a scientologist until now, it means she's been fairly quiet about her beliefs and hasn't used her fame as a platform to air her views on the matter to the public-at-large (the recent scientolology article that prompted your post---I'm assuming---was in a Scientology magazine).

I judge people by their actions, not what religion (or lack of) they follow, and from everything I've read about her, she seems like a genuine & genuinely nice person. I actually haven't read a bad thing about her from people in the industry or fans who have met her. I think that speaks a lot to her character.

(P.S. I'm not a Scientologist)

~ Prepon for Emmy 2016 ! ~


I hate Scientology, but she is still one of my favorite actresses regardless of her religion.


I understand your POV and agree that everyone has the right to choose what they believe in. Also, I am sure that she is a very nice lady... That was dragged into a cult as a very young person by Mastersons, most likely when she was dealing with some major life/work problems. Usually, they prey on people with issues, vulnerable like that, so they can 'help' them.

However, all of this just does not justify the fact that she still gives money (and I bet it's not a pocket change, either!) to CO$ and, by doing so, enables all the horrible things they do. You should really watch Going Clear, if not already. Actually, everyone should see it! There is a grand reason why they do not want to advertise their 'religion'.

CO$ should be closed ASAP before it destroys more lives and families! I am just so sad and majorly disappointed that she's a part of it and has been a part of it for so long :(

What they do is not faith, it's brainwashing and conditioning... And that is a fact confirmed by all ex members of CO$, including the ones that have been on very high positions within the 'church' and a part of it for decades.


Way to judge too quickly and without the adequate information. I did not want to discuss other religions here as they have nothing to do with Laura Prepon.

However, since you brought it up, I do not support any organized religion/cult and actually think World would be better off without it... Please, no need for hostility.

Thank you :)


No hostility here I just doubt if laura was say a christian or jew you'd make this same post on her board. Those religions have caused MUCH more deaths than scientology I guarantee it!


Thank you for your thoughtful answer. I have seen that HBO documentary, but again--- the point I was trying to make is that I don't judge a person based on their religion; I judge them on their own actions as a human being.

I don't think it's fair to judge rank & file members of a religious group on the actions of their religious leaders; they are neither in a position to dictate doctrine, nor handle financial matters, let alone have any sway over the faithful. Because of this, they shouldn't be held personally accountable for wrongdoings perpetrated by their religious leaders.

As an example...I'm an agnostic, my best friend is an evangelical Christian, my other best friends are Catholic, Muslim and Eastern Orthodox. They are all good people. If I judged them solely based on the past and present actions of some members of those religious groups , I'd have no friends left... and I'd be the poorer for it.

I know what you are trying to say----believe me---- but I think it's important to separate one's feelings about an individual from one's feelings about their religious affiliations (or lack of). Not to sound completely naive, but I think the world would be a better place for it. I don't know Ms. Prepon personally, but I don't like personal attacks on a hard-working celebrity who (to my knowledge) has been very quiet about her personal beliefs. To hold her accountable for the actions of others in the Co$ seems unfair to me. And even if you chose to go that route, how can you say with any certainty that she is even aware of the matters brought up in "Going Clear"? That's a topic for a whole other discussion, but not on her IMDb page.

~ Prepon for Emmy 2k16 !


I think you said it. Being too judgy and I think that all people are hypocrites though many try not to be. I think it was Byron who said (paraphrasing) that there is wisdom in (any given) religion and that in the different religions, or spiritual beliefs there are people who are sincere and genuine, and I believe that is true.

I think that one of the big problems in America, I do not think Europe has this problem at least not as much anymore, is that people are too convinced that the way they think is the only way and condemn those who are not of the same belief. There are two camps mostly, one says that you are free to think what you want and should think what you want and the other is you have to think like I do. I have gotten into several fights, and I mean fights because some ignoramus has sho9t off his or her mouth condemning someone else's when they do not even follow their own the way it is written and have absolutely no idea what a person actually does believe and only projects what they think or what they want the other person to. I do not know if they makes any sense.

In an analogy kind of situation, I am from the Northeastern US and I moved to the South, the real Bible Belt. I cannot even count the number of times that someone, usually some idiot guy, tried to pick a fight with me simply because I was from the North. No other reason, I did not insult them or offend them or hurt them in any manner, it was just because I was a "Yankee" and I use to correct them and tell them I was a "Bloody Damn Yankee" and not to forget it. Needless to say these same people also thought they had a corner on the market when it came to "God's love" which I always thought was *beep* I was also a Presbyterian surrounded by Southern Baptists and I never did Southern Baptists very well. However, there were those who were very nice and accepting. I swear, I never met a bigger bunch of uptight, repressive, judgy, elitist young adults in my life. I am talking major religious problems.

I think that anything that is taken to any extreme is dangerous and it hurts a lot of people and is destructive. If it is not helping humanity or bringing us together and leaving things better for the future generations, then it is very destructive. Scientology was dreamed up by a man who was a very good science fiction writer and turned it into a religion. Others are just as bad.
