MovieChat Forums > Chris Pratt Discussion > I am not trying to be judgmental

I am not trying to be judgmental

However, I have heard of this guy I guess trying to be nice and even claim Christian values. However, name one Christian in your neighborhood that would go nude. Didn't think so. Passengers, this guy I guess wanted sex or be in a nudist colony. I really feel he wanted to be naked so badly. Now, nudity can be a beautiful thing. I'm all for nude hiking or guys laying around the house naked and all that. But I wouldn't go around talking about God while becoming a sex toy to people's imaginations. He is going to be a sex symbol to women or gay guys. I'm not sure if praying and having sex on screen go well together.


Really?...all this for a few seconds of a guy's bare butt? boobs...loved the fact that the female stayed covered up and the male had to do the naked stuff...


Nude hiking?


I am not trying to be judgmental kinda are...


I have heard of this guy I guess trying to be nice and even claim Christian values

Since when is that a good thing?

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


Why is being naked "unChristian"? The human body is a natural & beautiful thing. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Why are Americans so prudish when it comes to nudity and sex but guns/violence is ok? The OP didn't mention the movies where Chris Pratt held weapons, but his nudity bothered you? Ha!


yes you are being judgemental. We were BORN NAKED. thats how we came, its us humans that decided we needed to be ashamed of nakedness. Everyone used to walk proudly in their own skin way back when, worrying about pressing issues that mattered. Men were not immature goons staring at a naked booby, because it was normalized! Well truthfully clothes were invented in order to shield us from weather but down the line all of a sudden being proud of your body, your vessel as a human here on earth- is something to be ashamed of. The naked body is us. its real. its beautiful. Its not dirty.... and there are strippers in this world that exist that are christian and god has no judgements he loves them too. What god isn't down for is people treating people bad, rape, murder.... you know, real sins


LOL. Answer of the week.
