MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > How is it not a mental illness?

How is it not a mental illness?

I see so many people on these boards defending people's "need" to change genders. There are plenty of medical professionals who see it as a mental disorder.

If you are a girl and are masculine that's fine. If you're a guy that is feminine that's fine too. Why do you HAVE to be classified as the opposite sex though?

People who base their identities on whether they are a man or woman are clearly trying to escape reality. There is more to a person's character than what gender they are.

Why is so much emphasis placed on pronouns and body parts rather than the person's personality?


Why don't you look into the scientific findings on transgender for yourself instead of asking people here who in large part are science deniers?



I’m so sick of these links to Righty websites, they lie and so do the Leftists websites . . .can’t you fact check ANYTHING before you take it as gospel?


...can’t you fact check ANYTHING before you take it as gospel?

The last thing you want to do is start fact checking the Gospels.


I’m with you there.


The WHO classified it as mental illness until like a year and a half ago. You know why they stopped? Because of "the stigma" trans people face. No science AT ALL in their decision to their decision to stop calling it a mental illness.


This right here. Cold hard truth.
WHO is not trustworthy anymore at all.

It's gender dysphoria.
Pretending it is anything else only causes harm for everyone involved.


Bullshit. You conspiracy theorist hate science for some reason that I will never understand, why can’t you look up the science behind it . . .EVER. I’m not going to post a link so that you can poopoo it, use your own fingers and Google it, read information from peer reviewed science no more of these left wing - right wing websites that are full of shit, if you are going to believe whatever you want at least be honest that it’s your opinion and has nothing to do with science.




use your own fingers and Google it, read information from peer reviewed science no more of these left wing - right wing websites that are full of shit,

You gave yourself away here, ace.

Google IS a Lefty site.

If you really want people to research from UNBIASED sources then they need to visit non-mainstream search engines like Yippy.

You'll sometimes get honest results from DuckDuckGo or Yandex, but they're still compromised to a degree, especially Yandex since it's used as a spy tool by the Russian State national security forces. DuckDuckGo has a tendency to leverage search results from Google's algorithm, which can sometimes taint the results.

Yippy is still the best bet for unbiased results. Google literally censors anything that countermands the Left's narrative, including hiding peer reviewed reports about masks not being very effective against influenza from more than a decade ago. And if you don't believe me, read a couple for yourself here:

There's more where that came from, but expect many of them to be buried or removed as the W.H.O., and U.N., attempt to rewrite history with the help from Google.

Anything related to the Rainbow Reich is also buried from Google. For instance, try to look up the statistics on the amount of people who identify as gay and who also have been raped/molested/abused as kids. Google completely censors those results from the search engine.

Go to Yandex or Yippy and you'll find plenty of testimonies and reports about it. And to no one's surprise, guess what, there's a correlation between childhood abuse and people who identify as trans.


No, what I said is a fact. There's NO science in the WHO's announcement that it was no longer classified as a mental illness:

In the latest manual, called the ICD-11, gender incongruence is defined as a marked and persistent incongruence between a person's experienced gender and assigned sex.

"In the previous version - ICD-10 - this was considered a gender identity disorder, in the chapter entitled mental and behavioural disorders.

Dr Lale Say, a reproductive health expert at the World Health Organization, said: "It was taken out from mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition, and leaving it there was causing stigma.

"So in order to reduce the stigma, while also ensuring access to necessary health interventions, this was placed in a different chapter." "

It was done for two reasons.

1. It's political. People fear being honest because they don't want to be labeled mean or transphobic.

2. Trying to combat the suicide rates:

You're not going to post a link because there is no credible one. You people always say the same thing: "Follow the science." There IS no science that proves trans people were "born the wrong sex" and that's why you don't post links. It's in their head. They are not "trapped in the wrong body", they have mental issues.


I have a background in biology and have listened to doctors try and explain it but to be frank, I still don't understand it. The more they explain, the more it sounds like they are definition shifting "gender" to mean anything so as not to hurt someone's feelings or draw ire from twitter. Most recently I listened to a podcast where a medical doctor said the issue is too complex to explain and that we should just respect people's wishes ... that's not science.


It's not that difficult to explain and if you have a background in biology it should be even simpler to understand. You are right about what that doctor said, that's NOT science.

Here's the science:

we can discus the science after you've read it but I'm not an expert.


Interesting paper, my biology is rusty as I never worked in the field but this is a review paper summarizing information to date on gender dysphoria. One thing that jumps out in the abstract and introduction is they are using a phrase "gender identity" as the gender with which one identifies and which is not based on any biology and which they can't even define without using the traditional definition of gender, "A person’s innermost sense of their own gender..." They are shifting the definition of gender to an emotional position rather than biological. Once into the paper there is significant discussion about social stigma which is irrelevant to biology, a review of gender development and how hormones influence development (nothing new) and 'may' influence behavior which again is nothing new and yes hormones influence behavior that's been known for a century at least. FYI the lead author hasn't graduated yet. Yeah I don't see anything new here. My position is that I don't doubt there are people whose feelings don't align with their bodies, I would love to say I'm a 6'-4 handsome and wealthy and everyone just has to go along and pretend it's true but that isn't how life works. If someone has a legit need for therapy or surgery that's between them and their doctor but we don't need parades and laws. I have a friend who about every day posts something about transgender rights on social media - she's not trans and afaik doesn't know anyone who is, she is just one of those people who wants to fight for an underdog and always wants a cause but it has become tedious hearing nonsense about spectrums, matrices, and identities. A lot of it comes down to boredom in a blasé society, a condition well known and studied for a very long time.


One thing that jumps out in the abstract and introduction is they are using a phrase "gender identity" as the gender with which one identifies and which is not based on any biology and which they can't even define without using the traditional definition of gender, "A person’s innermost sense of their own gender..." They are shifting the definition of gender to an emotional position rather than biological.


Also note that emotional responses are not inherently and strictly immutable biological responses or genetic, they're perceptive responses based on environmental stimuli, which makes them susceptible to epigenetic influence.

In other words, there's nothing about any of the hogwash pushed by the Leftist agitators that this "trans" movement is genetic, as opposed to being a neurophenomenologically imposed upon state via psychological inference.

It's an easy conclusion to reach since none of the actual science related to the nonsense pushed by the Left bears out under scrutiny.


The introduction is the hypothesis, the scientific findings were further down, you seem to be paying attention only to the hypothesis and ignoring the conclusion . . .this is frustrating.


I'm sure you're frustrated, my points are valid criticisms. If you don't challenge your own beliefs, you won't be able to defend them when challenged by an outsider because you don't really own them, they are more akin to a religion. The only way this paper is convincing is if you go into it assuming, as the author does, that gender dysphoria is a social cause and that gender is a spectrum. Have you even thought about what purpose it serves? None. Legit trans people are a teeny tiny minority in the world, a fraction of all the people who "feel" they should be something else. There is a reason why doctors can't explain the idea of a gender spectrum, and neither could the author of this paper without resorting to traditional gender definitions --- because it doesn't make sense.


I think some of it is people born with messed up chromosomes and even though it's a tiny percentage, it's a tiny percentage of a big number, so it's a lot of voices. In a 1,000 people there are none, in 10,000 maybe there is one. And then there are some who are probably mentally ill. It really should just be a medical issue between a person and their doctor and not a political issue because most of us will never encounter this except on television. Unfortunately it comes up on every new TV show, and every day on the internet; either conservatives or bleeding hearts are whining one way or the other about it. I wish they would all shut up and go live their own lives.


Well said. If representation in television and media was proportionate to real life I think it would be less polarizing to the masses.


“‘I think” isn’t science.


Certainly not in your case.


You don't say


I think this makes sense; it's being blown out of proportion in the media.

There are two trans people where I work; one was a (heterosexual) bearded singer in a death metal band when I started, and has since become a petite goth lesbian. It's been interesting to observe the change, but they're also quite the mental health hypochondriac with a penchant for self-diagnosing, so I'm concerned that they're making a mistake that might cost them dearly if they change their mind or realise it was a conclusion they arrived at because of another issue - but it's their life, y'know? I will add here that they're funding it all themselves to repel any "the rest of us are paying for it!!!" arguments.

I don't know the other person all that well, but I get the impression they identify as trans but have no plans to get surgery.


The current prevailing theory is prenatal hormones but that also has an effect on sexuality. Genetics have nothing to do with it.

Of course the real question is whether there is a "male mind" or just activities / clothing that is more acceptable in people who are male than female and that it is this social stereotypes that create transgenders.


It's all hormones. Genetics influence you're body's cocktail of hormones. It will be different for every person ... some women are hairy, some men can't grow a beard, some women are horny all the time, some men have a low sex drive, some women drink Scotch, not all men like sports, but that doesn't equate to different genders, it's just normal variance and to some extent gender behavior are stereotypes amplified by television and other media. Based on the abstract, that paper is telling us what we knew 50 years ago but rephrasing it in terms of 21st century pop culture.


It is not a mental illness because the science has shown it not to be as expressed by the World Health Organization.


The WHO is unreliable


Only to conspiracy theorists.


Please stop feeding the troll.


not trolling but facts


You wouldn't recognize facts if they were tattooed on the dick of the "woman" shoving it in your face.


This is a fact.


Yeah, that guys an agenda driven moron. When I brought up the issue of overlooking biology as the problem when trying to legitimize trannies, he literally said "how is biology being overlooked?". That was the deal breaker regarding our conversation. I'm not playing stupid games with stupid people.


you didn’t answer my question


So let me get this straight...

Seeing images that aren't there = mental illness.

Believing that you're a different race = mental illness.

Thinking you're overweight when you're not = mental illness.

Thinking you're still a baby when you're an adult = mental illness.

Thinking you're a robot = mental illness.

Thinking you're another gender =
not a mental illness.


None of those are equivalent to gender dysphoria so your "point" misses the mark.


You used the word "dysphoria" which is a mental Illness. How can you say it's not a mental illness but a dysphoria?


World Health Organization no longer classes it as such


Because they were called transphobes.


no it is because the science points to it not being a mental illness.


Science also says you're born with specific hormones, but trans people get their own hormones injected. If you're a man and feel like you're a woman, why get hormone shots of you already feel like a woman?


for gender affirmation which helps remedy the disparity between gender and sex


But it's already affirmed. You don't need hormone shots to make you feel that way.


Scientists disagree and say that sex reassignment surgery/therapy is the best way to treat people with it


I hope they don't feel the same way as someone who is anorexic. Telling them to continue losing weight is dangerous.


Scientists disagree and say that sex reassignment surgery/therapy is the best way to treat people with it.

University tests have proven that is untrue.


Translation = CAN'T HEAR YA !!!


There isn't a single scientific fact in this statement:

"Dr Lale Say, a reproductive health expert at the World Health Organization, said: "It was taken out from mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition, and leaving it there was causing stigma. "


“we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition”

That is what the science has shown.


Show me that science.



Hormones, brain, sense - it's almost as if it's....what's the word, mental and not a matter of being "born in the wrong body".


I’m so sorry that you don’t know how to read.


"There is an ongoing debate about whether this newer definition of GD should even be included in the DSM given the continued potential stigma of characterizing the difficulties transgender individuals experience as an illness in our predominantly gender-binary society"

@jinx All this is over a potential stigma. Others have said it in this thread, ALL mental illnesses carry stigmas. However, it doesn't mean they aren't mental illnesses


If you read the article and understood it you would know that it’s not even RELATED to mental illness. It’s more related to a birth defect.


In your mind! Chemical imbalances cause mental illnesses.


It is not a chemical imbalance. . .Jesus, there is even a graph in that article that would make sense to a kid in elementary school, it has nothing to do with chemicals.


What is so confusing about this is that gay men are typically more feminine than straight men, yet they don't identify as female. Can you explain that to me?

I'm not trolling. I'm legitimately trying to understand this. I feel slightly insulted you say that elementary school kids can understand a chart that I seemingly cannot so that is why I'm asking for clarification here.

I also don't see a chart. Maybe my browser isn't loading it? I see some tables, but I don't think they're what you're referring to because elementary school kids, at least in America, would not be able to understand something like this:

"– Compared with MCs and treated MTFs, FCs had lower global brain volumes and regional gray matter volumes in a large portion of the posterior–superior frontal cortex.
– Both naïve MTFs and treated MTFs had lower bilateral insular gray matter volumes than FCs."


When you are developing in the womb you start out as a female, that’s why males have nipples even though they don’t become breasts. During the 9 months you are developing inside a woman’s body, you are exposed to hormones and those hormones during that basic period while you are being developed into a human determine everything about you, if you get enough testosterone at the right time you get a dick, but if you get an influx of estrogen when the brain is developing you essentially get a female brain. Male and female brains are different, they work differently and they have different balances of white and grey mater.

Every single human being is different, subjected to different conditions in the womb, like a fingerprint your brain formed it’s sense of gender based on the slight differences in the brain. Gay men do have an estrogenized brain but transgender men to women actually have a fully formed female brain while gay men are still basically male with female brain tendencies.

You are what your brain is. If you had your head in a jar like in futurama you would still be a male even though you don’t have a dick. Sexual orientation comes from the brain not the genitals.

What you are talking about at the end there is the explanation of how Male to Female (MTF) transgendered people have a female brain.

It’s not anymore a mental illness than any other congenital condition is. You wouldn’t call someone with both sets of genitalia mentally ill would you? This is the same thing only it’s the brain that is affected.


but if you get an influx of estrogen when the brain is developing you essentially get a female brain.

That's not true at all.

Good grief, do you know anything about neurophysiology? That's not how that works.

Your brain receives neurotransmissions from the oocytes and spermatozoa that help develop your somatic physiology as male or female.

There is no such thing as getting a "female brain", that's not even a scientific term, since the development of the brain occurs in stages during neonatal and postnatal development.

While the brain is fed all sorts of proteins and nutrients to develop the pituitary gland, your entire development of perception -- especially gender perception -- is only formed based on environmental stimuli, since genetically there is no such thing as a allele strand that decodes corporeal perception. All of that is a postnatal function based entirely upon environmental stimuli.

In other words, males don't know they're males even when they have male gonads no more than females know that they're females even with female gonads while inside the womb. Perceptive development doesn't occur then, so there's no such thing as being born with a "female brain".


So you are denying that male and female brains are physically different and work differently? That article I posted even had a graph at the bottom that explained these differences . . .didn't you read it? I mean, the conclusion describes these differences in detail and neither one of you paid any attention to that. I would understand if you didn't get it, I'm no expert myself, but otherwise it seems that you completely ignored the actual scientific findings at the end of the research and maybe glanced at the hypothesis.

As for the terms I used to explain it, I was purposefully simplifying it down to the most basic explanation I could . . .I mean, why criticize me for trying to be as helpful as I could in response to an honest question?


So you are denying that male and female brains are physically different and work differently?

Nowhere, anywhere, did I say that at all. Re-read what I wrote... slowly.

There is no prenatal "female brain". You can't be born with the wrong brain.

Everything in your link is talking about established somatic biology based on matured specimen.

In other words, post-pubescent development.

Specifically your link addresses peri-pubescent development of neurophysiological properties based on gonadal hormones influencing self-conscious behavior, recognition, sub-conscious development, and the perceptive influence of sexuality.

Once again, all of those are postnatal developments based on gonadotropin secretions that take place just after prepubescent maturity.

In simple terms, the gametes secreted to create the hormonal neurotransmitters allow the individual to recognize their sexual awakening (or at least be perceptive to the stimuli that awakens it).

I mean, the conclusion describes these differences in detail and neither one of you paid any attention to that.

Again, they're talking about a postnatal development, specifically peri-pubescent and post-pubescent development while monitoring the results of maturing individuals who have already had their neurophysiological makeup highly influenced and altered based on environmental stimuli.

In other words, they're gauging results based on post-stimuli maturation rather than pre-stimuli development. But it wouldn't make a difference because it's literally, physiologically impossible for someone to be born with the wrong gendered brain based on a peri-pubescent development, which is, ergo postnatal.


I appreciate your comments here cyguration


I appreciate you taking the time to really go into depth with this but we disagree on a fundamental point, there significant differences in the ways that the brains of male and female fetuses function prior to birth. You in fact DO have a gendered brain in the womb development.

Yes society influences gender but you are born with a basic male or female brain. More white matter or grey matter has a lot to do with it but let me be clear it's not an either/or situation. The way males and females process information is very different and there are variants.

Researchers conducted MRI scans on human fetuses in the womb, studying the neurological connections between different areas of the brain, for both males and females. They found connections between parts of the female brains that were almost nonexistent in the male brains.

Research shows that the brain of a baby girl in her mother's womb prior to birth is significantly different than the brain of a baby boy in the mother's womb at the same stage prior to birth.

Here's the science:!

Do you have a link to some science that I could read that says that you AREN'T born with a gender influenced brain?


there significant differences in the ways that the brains of male and female fetuses function prior to birth. You in fact DO have a gendered brain in the womb development.

There is a huge difference between the biological organ's development and the actual cognitive function based on that development.

Just like males and females have different genitalia during prenatal development, but are asexual given that sexual expression is an outward (ergo environmentally influenced) reaction.

You keep skipping over a fundamental element of the neurophemenological process in neurophysiology related to the trans debate: people who claim to be trans-gender have perceptually identified themselves as being the wrong gender.

As I mentioned, perception is the formation of corporeal experiences from environmental stimuli (viz., a reaction to sight, sound, smell, and touch).

How can you develop a perception for a reaction within the brain based on something that cannot physiologically happen until postnatal development?

Research shows that the brain of a baby girl in her mother's womb prior to birth is significantly different than the brain of a baby boy in the mother's womb at the same stage prior to birth.

And where in there did they examine any of the fundamental functions of the hippocampus to measure synaptic firing for cognitive mapping?

They didn't.

Do you have a link to some science that I could read that says that you AREN'T born with a gender influenced brain?

This gives a brief overview of what we call spatial navigation, or cognitive processing through spatial reasoning:

Another prenatal experiment in relation to adult behavior via environmental stimuli:

Simply put, cognitive reasoning requires environmental stimuli (i.e., postnatal development).


As an addendum to my previous comment (due to the comment length restrictions):

What your link is referring to -- and by proxy, what you're talking about -- is the biological presence of somatic development. But the discussion related to the trans debate is about cognitive development.

So cognitively you can't develop a "female brain" before you've had the stimulation to recognize that you are female. The brain matter in fetus development -- much like other premature biological functions -- is there to serve the purpose of developing the biological traits of the fetus through maturation, since there are obvious fundamental differences between males and females on a biological basis. But spatial reasoning, perception, and becoming cognizant of self (or the I.D.,) are all postnatal developments.

Think of it as computer code in a video game designed to open up pathways to new doors only after the player has reached a certain point in the game. The doors themselves are already formed based on preexisting conditions (i.e., in this case being male or female) but how they open, where they lead, and the pathways formed are entirely dependent on decisions made after the tutorial phase (i.e., postnatal stimuli and development).

Hence, perceiving one-self as one gender or another is entirely postnatal.

I'm trying not to write a novel here, but does that make sense?


That's probably why suicide rates among transgender people are through the roof - and even more so with transgender teenagers, a "trend" that is also massively on the rise........... because it isn't a mental illness...


the problem is society not being accepting of them


Look, unlike 9/10 others here I am fully aware you're just a troll - or literally insane.
One way or another, I won't even talk to you at all after this message, so save your breath.


Anxiety issues? Take these meds.
You're a man who believes you are really a woman? Hold my rx pad while I grab my scalpel...


you wouldn’t understand, transgender people operate on a higher form of consciousness


Are you trans?


I'm sure they do. Just like those folks in Heaven's Gate. I'm perfectly happy being a rube, thank you very much.


then society will leave you and your ilk behind


"Ilk" is the exact sound I make whenever I think of someone getting their genitals mutilated.


No ilk will be left behind !


It’s not a mental illness, it’s a biological mismatch of brain and body. The mental illnesses arise when people are forced to live an identity that is false and unnatural to their own sense of self. Just imagine people telling you to live your life as your opposite gender. I really don’t get why this is a public debated issue. It is a private, individual choice issue. Maybe pronouns and body parts aren’t important to some people’s sense of self, but clearly they are important to others. You can’t impose your own feelings about self onto other people, no more than you can dictate the food they like, their tastes in music and art, who they fall in love with, etc.


People can live their lives as men, women, or even cats or dogs for all I care. Live your life and pretend to be whatever you want, just don't ask me to pretend with you.


Does the mind define the body or the body define the mind? Trans people exist, it is a pretense to believe they don’t.


They exist, of course. But their fantasy does not change their biological sex, which they are stuck with forever no matter what treatment they have.


What if their “biological sex” is trans? The brain being part of the anatomy, arguably the most uniquely “human” of all our organs. Like I wrote above trans is biological identity, the result of a biological mismatch of body and brain.


You could argue that homosexuality is a mismatch and that conversion therapy tries to correct that mismatch by making the brain fit with the body (like trans makes the body fit the brain), but of course we don't do that.

Btw we are not close to having mapped the whole human brain, we have barely touched the surface, so just claiming there is such a thing as a "female" and "male" brain is premature. Sure you can find some brain scan studies that show trans people between typical male and female brain activity, but that is only from a certain perspective since our understanding of the organ is still very limited. At best it is a clue there might be something there, far from being a proof for transgender claims.

And even if we have such a thing as masculine and feminine brains it does not automatically mean that transgenderism is the answer. We've always had men who were more feminine than typical, and women who were more masculine than typical. For me the answer is saying that is perfectly fine, not all men have to have typical masculine mannerisms or women typical female mannerisms. Many trans women aren't even that feminine. For every one trans woman you can find like 10 gay guys who are more feminine acting but are still perfectly fine with having penises and being men. I think that's a healthier stand than to ask a doctor to castrate you so "body and brain match".


Ok, I agree that the advancement of brain science in this area can really help the plight of trans people, especially kids. But what can be done until that happens? I really feel for parents who are guiding their kids through this without a lot of scientific data to reassure their decisions. They can only default to the legal standard of acting “in the best interest of their child” which means choosing between having a happy child or a miserable child. In the absence of hard science, who can blame parents choosing the route to happiness?

I have only heard and read anecdotal accounts but most parents who help their kids transition are doing it to support the natural behavior of their child. Gay conversion programs aim to do the opposite and try to suppress a child’s natural behavior. I haven’t heard of parents forcing their kids to change genders against their will, but I have heard of parents trying to “convert” their gay kids to be straight.

When it comes to adults, I disagree. They are free to make choices about their bodies and live with the consequences. I guess there may be some who might regret the choice and want to change back, but this is medically possible to a certain degree and also seems the rare exception.


I haven’t heard of parents forcing their kids to change genders against their will

Now you have


I meant parents who are not psychopaths.


Feminine men and masculine women have always been a part of society. What is new here is claiming that means they actually are of the opposite sex and need to be "fixed" with treatment and surgery. Its the complete opposite message of the gay rights movement which tells people to be happy with the way they were born, rather than try to change it.

And btw most children who have atypical gender expression grow out of it and most of them turn out to be gay. So to tell a kid their feelings mean they actually are of the opposite sex (other than being child abuse) is really a form of conversion therapy for gay people. Its weird how people foam at the mouth when the religious right offers such treatments but then clap and cheer when it comes from ideologue leftists.





If someone thinks they are Napoleon, is that a mismatch of mind and body? Is being Napoleon an individual choice? Should we surgically modify people who think they are Napoleon to look more like him? Should Napoleons have special protections under the law? If a Napoleon tells us to invade Russia, should we do that to protect his self-esteem?


It is a mental illness. It’s pretty obvious. The suicide rate is astronomical too...and people STILL don’t want to call it a mental health issue?

I don’t understand why it is such an apparent insult to call transgenderism a mental illness. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder...all mental illness. You’ll never convince me otherwise, and it doesn’t mean you hate anyone because you see this as a mental illness, which in my mind it is, and always will be. Same with the people who are addicted to getting plastic surgery until they don’t even look human anymore, or look like a plastic doll.

Ultimately it’s nobody else’s business, unless people like this one want to go on Twitter or the cover of magazines and announce it to the world.


The high suicide rate comes from the lack of acceptance by families and society at large. Call it a mental illness if you like, but what if the cure for this particular mental illness is hormones and surgery? Do you still call a person mentally ill after they transitioned? Gender reassignment has one goal, unlike the plastic surgery addicts who keep going in for more fillers and reshapes.


Indeed this is what these people don't understand.


Sure. And when someone wants to be a dolphin, some hormones and a little surgery will surely help too.
It's not only this trans people in urgent need for a couch...


Slippery slopes make sloppy suppositions


There's nothing worse than a slippery sloppy supposition !


Why can’t I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe? Crazy concept, isn’t it.

Yes, in my opinion, it is a lifetime mental illness that needs to be managed, like pretty much all mental illnesses. Any group of people who constantly attempt suicide, or have high suicide rates, for any reason, are not mentally healthy. Issues that severe don’t just go away. I don’t think people just “change” genders and are perfectly fine. There are many psychological issues involved with wanting to go to the lengths of having gender reassignment surgery. If that makes them happier, fine. It doesn’t mean they are bad people who should be ridiculed or hated. But to me they live in, and are stuck in, a fantasy world. I can strap on a fake dorsal fin and flop around on the ground, but it doesn’t mean I’m a shark, even if in my mind I really feel I’m a shark. Sorry, it just doesn’t work like that. I’ll never claim to fully understand it, but like I said, ultimately it’s none of my business.

I’m no doctor, that’s just how I feel about the matter.

I am, however, fully against changing every standard gender term that has ever existed as to not hurt the feelings of transgender people. I think that has gone way beyond overboard, and is actually hurting their cause.

Plastic surgery addicts have one goal as well. To be seen as physically “perfect” at any cost.


I am, however, fully against changing every standard gender term that has ever existed as to not hurt the feelings of transgender people.

Believe what you like but any realist can see that we have undergone a societal shift around gender. Changes have happened and they can’t be reversed. Cats are out of bags, toothpaste out of tubes. We may be the first generation in the modern era to grapple with the awkwardness of changing gender terminology so it is not surprising to see such resistance and backlash. At least the English language hasn’t masculinized and feminized every single object. Some languages have the neuter gender as an option so it might be even easier for them to evolve. The way I see it, one can either roll with the changes or cling on to language standards that will eventually die out.


IT shp\ould never work again


Funny how you think the pendulum can't swing back.


Not without everyone losing a whole lot of freedom and self determination.


Ehhmm there is a lot of authoritarianism from the PC crowd. Like wanting to ban "hate speech" and forcing correct speech with the power of the state. So sorry you got it completely backwards, the pendulum will swing back because of peoples hunger for freedom.

Not many people are saying you can't identify as whatever you want. The pushback is about being able to disagree with it. If your identity is so fragile you need 100% of the world to agree with it for it to be real for you, then maybe it never was? Just a thought. Trans people know deep down inside they will never really be the opposite sex, so they get furious whenever someone points out holes in their fantasy. Well too bad. You have every right to identify as whatever you want, but I also have the right to call a dude in a dress a dude, because that's what he is and always will be.


It's an ideological dead branch. Post modernism is the product of a blasé society and has no goal. Ask any post-modernist what success looks like and they will become angry and defensive. How can you change society when you can't imagine what that society will look and sound like on a day-to-day basis? You have to have achievable goals. Things like universal love or whatever isn't an achievable goal because it's based on crappy television and pothead philosophy, not rational thinking.


Yes, the reality is that we women will just have to put up with being erased from language, turned into "menstruators," "uterus owners," "cervix havers," "chestfeeders," and "surrogates." Better that millions of women be dehumanised and humiliated on a regular basis, than that one transwoman have to acknowledge that they are not, in fact, female. Ah, isn't the brave, new world wonderful.


Maybe all those horrible terms should be eliminated from the language and people stop being cruel and embrace some mutual respect and good manners. I don’t see how trans women dehumanise and humiliate cisgender women.


Not cisgender women, just women.


We may be the first generation in the modern era...

Continue and you will also be the last...
What a pity!


It's psychosis. They are very sick people who have been criminally mistreated by modern medicine.


The surgeon that operated on Ellen Page should be prosecuted for abandoning their duty of care and physical assault with a deadly weapon causing grievous bodily harm. Ten years in prison would be an appropriate sentence and send a clear message.


I completely agree.


I don't know about mental illness, but Ell-Iot is an adult who made a decision. My issue is with the media pushing this idea as acceptable with minors.

I'm all for "live and let live" but I think the agenda by the wealthy class to promote Non-Binary identity with minors is irresponsible and bad social policy. If there are kids/minors who are struggling with their Identity then it needs to be dealt with privately first. Making this about publicly accepting minors who are making sexualized decisions regarding their identity is like publicly accepting minors to openly engage in sexual escapades minus their parents' consent,

I state the wealthy class because they have the resources and the community "bubbles" to create an environment for their children who they've allowed to transition before or right when they hit puberty. Unlike lower-class minors who don't have the resources or community/family support where they end up abused or even killed.
