Costume teeth?

They can't be real right? She makes enough to get them fixed. In 2015 anyone in her place would have a good dentist, so they have to be costume teeth.


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They're her real teeth. Just watch her in anything else she's done. I hope she never gets them fixed. Why should she cave to pressure from people like you? Her teeth aren't keeping her from getting work in Hollywood.


Showering and combing your hair is a little different that having your entire mouth rebuilt for no reason. Not everyone is as shallow as you are.


Agreed. My teeth are slightly crooked and when I was a kid people would comment and I'd feel horrible but when I grew up, I realized that's naturally me and I love it. I hate people who are so manipulated by the media they think like a sheep.


How do you fix something that's not broken? Teeth aren't meant to be manipulated by metal or plastic to align perfectly. That's not natural nor is it pretty. It's lame , conformist and brainwashed.


What's a dentist going to do? She needs an orthodontist.


Absolutely agree. I actually went to an orthodontist to get my slightly wonky front teeth sorted out. He ended up convincing me to leave them alone as they added character. Same with this young lady. She wouldn't look as interesting and lovely.
