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It's called Disney trying to squeeze all they can out their talent and line their pockets from the CD sales.


Emily isn't putting any more into disney wallets with her music. She's putting it into Wind-Up Records. It was the same with Ashley Tisdale, she is or was signed with Warner Brothers.

"How do I get to heaven from here?"


Disney seems to be a black hole with everything "$" going in and no one comming out.

Yea so what!


Here's what I think. Music and acting are closely related in that they are both forms of entertainment and art. It's all part of the entertainment business, and they are just different media. They have already established themselves in the industry, and they have the charisma for it, so why not try a new medium to entertain their fans? They're entertainers, and that's what they do. Also, the target audience of these young actresses in question are mostly young children and teens, who seem to like that sort of thing. That's my guess.

Why do I need a signature?


This is nothing new for Disney. They started doing this during the original Mickey Mouse Club show back in the 1950's. One in particular named Annette Funicello. Disney has been in the business of making stars for a long time and when dealing with a young person who shows the potential to be a star they don't let any possibility go unexplored.


Emily is actually talented!
