is it just hype?

Emily's often said that due to the fact she has a lot of underage cousins and family, she tries to keep a clean image, which is admirable. However, some of the lyrics in her songs are decidedly adult and not for young ears.

I'm not slamming her in any way, I'm just trying to sort things out. Is it acceptable to sing about adult activities (i.e., "let's make out so we can be friends" etc.) as long as you don't actually participate in them?

I can understand if they pass it off as saying "the kids won't understand what the songs are about" but does that make it any less questionable? A lot of kids don't understand (or care) if Miley decides to have another scandal.

That being said, why is Emily - who's always said she wants to follow her own path - censoring herself?


I think like most celebs, she's only telling us what we want to hear. I think she realizes that most of her fan base is still Miley-related. Once she builds up a fan base in her own right, she's going to minimize risks and not take any chances on alienating fans who still think she's Lilly Truscott.


I'm not so sure about *only* telling us what we want to hear. I think if that were true, we might see a greater distinction between what she says and what she does (for instance, if she partied and got photo'ed doing it every night), it would be easier to label her a hypocrite. I think you have to remember that, yes, she may want to pave her own way, but she's still a teen (and all that that implies). She's still trying to figure out life, with possibly confusing thoughts...trying to figure out how to have fun, yet still have a 'clean' that weird age where she's trying to define herself, but also dealing with coming off of a *hugely* successful Disney series (one thing that's always struck me is that she's always made a huge distinction between working on her shows, and how she *loved* the shows, but had issues with the whole saccharine-sweet environment of Disney).

I know she's said that she has young cousins and she tries to watch what she does for their sake, and she does a good job of it imho, but I really don't think she's ever tried to pass herself off or claim herself as some sort of saint, or anything; as I said, she's still growing, and undoubtedly trying new things. You know, like a regular person. Heck, she's sworn a few times on twitter (as well as her lyrics)!

Once she builds up a fan base in her own right, she's going to minimize risks and not take any chances on alienating fans who still think she's Lilly Truscott.

Possibly, very possibly*. Who knows what the future may hold?

*-of course, L. Truscutt was the role that gave her the most notoriety/visibility/made the most impact in people's eyes, but I always have to wonder: she *has* played other roles, why don't people have difficulty distinguishing her from Gertie from Spy Kids, for example? (sorry, didn't say that very well, I know...)
