The Good Wife

Jason has landed a recurring role on The Good Wife as an Irish lawyer!!!
So we get to see Jason back and tv and we get to hear him speak in his adorable brogue!

It's a win/win!!

The Good Wife is on cbs-Sunday's at 9pm. Season premiere is September 29th


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Good for him! I felt so bad when I heard Vegas got cancelled. The poor guy is cursed!


Considering he had pretty much the lead in the only other show created by the Kings (who also created The Good Wife), I have been expecting him for 4 seasons. It's good that it won't be a simple guest star and I hope he stays for a while. I'm not sure the show will survive this season with the declining ratings and general WTFckery though.

I only hope he gets to interact with Kalinda. A lot.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I'm glad too--In Justice was too good to just last 13 episodes.
And I would love to see some good sparing between Kalinda and Colin!! Or anything else! :P


I think one more in January or February and then again at the end of the season.
Don't you just love bad boy Damian!!
I almost love Jason more as the bad boy then the good guy!
Almost--Sam Tyler is my #1 favorite forever!


Is it me or is he speaking with a stupid "Oirish" accent though? God damn I hate that. Makes me lose all respect for a show. Fu*king cliched sh*t!


I imagine you were very disappointed when he broke out that fake Oirish only on his 1st episode.please tell me the accent goes away.


I thought i was the only one!!Why speak like that when he has an actual Irish accent.Nobody over here speaks like that..I posted on the good wife board about it and someone told me he was attempting an American/English accent ..I dont think so!
