

My main problem, if you can call it that, is that all his movies take themselves too seriously. He needs to inject some humour here and there, but he never does.


His earlier films had the right mix of moodiness and levity to them. Memento, Batman Begins, and The Prestige all had their fair share of subtle comic relief and mildly humorous moments. It isn't till Nolan took sole screenwriting duty for Dunkirk and Tenet that this problem began to show. His brother Jonathan definitely needs to come back to inject that sense of humanity in his films again.


Jonathan's original script for Interstellar is what really got me excited for the movie. My disappointment was immense when I realized in the theater than Chris had essentially destroyed it with his rewrite. Needless to say, I wish Jonathan would start directing his own scripts.


He's not that visually original,like say, Wes Anderson.


But that's all Wes Anderson's got. Take away his quirks and trademark aesthetic and what you get is a very bland, uninspired filmmaker who does nothing but tell stories that have been told a million times before. Nolan at least has some original ideas to him.






Kubrick knockoff.


which one?


Space Odyssey


and Space Odyssey is a rip off of all the space movies from the 20's and 30's.


Might as well give Michael Bay, or Zack Snyder a pass if we're talking about "cool visuals". In terms of his ideas, Nolan's films are becoming empty shells, and Tenet is his worst yet.


NolanTards are snobs

They love proclaiming that The Dark Knight, in being so “realistic”, is somehow the most true to the dark, psychologically intense world of Batman. They say this because:
(a) They want to convince themselves that Batman comics really are intended to be this realistic and intense and
(b) They want to convince others that what they read is so realistic and intense so that they can feel less embarrassment at still reading them in their 20s and 30s. The reason they overrate that movie so much is because so much personal validation is tied into that movie for them. So the more realistic the movies are, the more comic fans will claim to anyone who will listen that they just witness a movie that is exactly like the books they’ve been mocked for reading for decades.


He's a technically skilled filmmaker, no doubt, but I don't think his films are so fresh or interesting visually as to counter the sheer exhaustion of sitting through them. I don't think I've ever watched one of his films more than once, with the exception of Memento and about half of The Dark Knight.
