MovieChat Forums > Christopher Nolan Discussion > Who's #1: Cameron or Nolan?

Who's #1: Cameron or Nolan?

To me its James Cameron.

Apart from The Dark Knight, The Prestige and Interstellar, other movies are just okay. The problem is that most of his movies are 2 and a half hours. You have to remember the the first half of the beginning to connect the ending!
 to him


Nolan (though I think Cameron is brilliant as well)


Christopher Nolan. All his movies are great. I mean, truly great. James Cameron is amazing too, though.

Nolan, I love you forever!


No offense, but not all were great. To me it's TDK and Prestige.

I think the biggest weakness of Nolan is his endings, they are mostly disappointing and leave a bitter taste.

Check, for example🕵:

In Interstellar, the movie sinks when Cooper wakes up in the hospital in the future, it becomes sort of a big joke in the last 15 min. 😜

In TDKR, the movie wasn't great already but the ending is a disaster, Bane is killed like an insignificant character and then the movie goes downhill very fast up until the stupid nuke and Robin replacing Batman.. 🙅

Inception- The totem that topples in the end and the screen goes black. 🗣

In Batman Begins, Ra's al Ghul is killed by a falling train. 🤔

In Insomnia, the movie ends with a disappointing confrontation, Al Pacino shoots the crazy guy and that's just the end, though the one-liner was good - he says "I want to sleep". 👼

In Memento, I was disappointed by how it ended - The hero comes with a car and halts - that's all! 🤗

Verdict 🤐:
Nolan needs to work on his endings seriously...

How much do you agree?? 🙋


I'd really have to disagree with you there, I'd consider all his movies except TDKR to be great. And as far as I'm concerned the ending of Memento was brilliant, so much more than just a hero sitting in a car (in fact one of the biggest points of the movie is that Leonard isn't the hero, but that's beside the point). I don't know what your basis for considering the last 15 minutes of Interstellar a joke is. And Inception's ending was a lot more than just the top spinning, you're focusing on about 5 seconds of screen time, and ignoring the context leading up to it.

Your descriptions of his ending are extremely simplified, I think there's a lot more to appreciate than you're giving credit to. As for James Cameron, I would consider Nolan infinitely superior to him. I wouldn't consider either of them to be the greatest director of all time though (Nolan would be near the top of my list but not #1). I wouldn't even put Cameron in the same league as Nolan, or others like Scorsese, Speilberg, Hitchcock, Kubrick, or PTA.


I think Nolan's movies is not everyone's cup of cappuccino!
Let's talk of only Inception...
So tell me in the conclusion, is LdC in the dream or in reality? 😋


I'm confident that the ending of Inception takes place in reality. This is indicated by the absence of Cobb's wedding ring. Throughout the movie, in all the scenes that take place in a dream, Cobb has his wedding ring, and in all the scenes in reality he doesn't. It's clearly not a coincidence, I think it's meant to imply that the wedding ring is Cobb's real totem, and he just keeps his wife's top around for sentimental value (and to throw people off)


yeah. your absolutely right. But did you get in the first viewing?


Can't say I did, as I recall, I didn't even notice the ring until my third viewing. It's a testament to how much rewatch value Nolan's movies have that you can keep noticing completely new moments every time you view his films.
