MovieChat Forums > Bill Nighy Discussion > What a great actor

What a great actor

From Hott Fuzz to Love Actually and Underworld every performance I've seen of this guy has been entertaining & memorable. Awesome, AWESOME actor. Really underrated as well. -- Best Movies I have seen


I'm sorry but Billy Nighy can only play as...Bill Nighy, this guy is not versatile AT ALL! The only acting skills he has is playing...wait for it...Bill Nighy.


Again...after watching more movies with him in it, he can only play...wait for it...Bill Nighy.


This guy is awesome. He totally blends in to the surroundings, and you don't notice him unless you look closely. Many people don't realize that he is the same person in different films. He can play any part you ask of him and do it naturally. This is the hallmark of a great actor.

He is definitely underrated and not recognized as the major talent he is.


I love that he can play very serious roles, he can also play whimsical roles. I swear he can do anything.
He's voiced so many great characters too, Davey Jones, the giant in Jack the Giant Slayer.

Very versatile and I agree he is underrated.

You can call me 'Mayor Chapstick.'


Just watched him in Underworld -not impressed at all .Good luck to him ,but very average actor.


Utter rubbish. His performance in Love actually could not be more different than as Davey Jones in Pirates of the Carribean.

Great actor, real screen presence.
