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Well I'm honest I eat meat not all kind of meat but yes I'm not a vegetarian I respect Vegetarians some of my friends are veggies and I avoid eating meat in front of them but eating live animal of any kind is something that is beyond me and I would never do!


seek help?

why because its disgusting and macabre that people eat live seafood?

you should google about this topic especial the "dancing" shrimp where people squeeze lemon juice to an alive shrimp to make it wiggle before it gets eaten before you tell other people to "seek help"


"dancing" shrimp where people squeeze lemon juice to an alive shrimp to make it wiggle before it gets eaten before you tell other people to "seek help" "

That's utterly repulsive. Never heard of this. You couldn't pay me to do that.


Come on, cry me a river.
Not everyone has to live by your moral compass.
Furthermore it is yet not clear if crustaceans feel pain. And if they do, how this feeling is similar to how we feel.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.
