She is a plain jane

Really overrated in the looks department.

While she is tall, her body is really average and her face screams plain jane. Nothing special really. She also has ugly feet, see:

Not sure what all the hype on her beauty is about. She is a 4 at best.


That is an opinion,to each their own I think she is hot 10 NO!!!,but Defintily an 8-8.5

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


You were right the first time she is a 10 ,I read what people who have met her have said and that is a. 10 in my book.


I agree in Continuum, but she looks much better in other roles, like P2, and her imdb-picture is stunning.


I agree I see her in pictures she looks very good but something about on screen she just does not have that IT factor but still she is good enough for the sci fi Continuim its not the best show but it is entertaining
