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I do not see her as self absorbed at all. She is a great gal, has a good head on her shoulders, and does not come across snobby at all. She has a great, witty, and dry sense of humor too.

She gives credit where it is due, like who did her well by selling her vehicle to her.

She gives credit where it is due in negative respects too, so fair is fair.


When I bought my new car in 2008, I told everyone. I was happy that I have a new car. There's nothing wrong telling people and bragging about buying a new car.

If you have the money, why not?


Wow! She eats meat and bought a car! What a horrible person!


Sounds to me like you're a man of some experience. You write your post as if you know her personally but somehow I doubt that.

I don't fault you for liking her and forming your own opinion but let's be honest as to where that opinion comes from.

Personally I don't think she can really act either. Nothing great will ever come from any of her performances. She'll never amount to even an Academy Award of People's Choice nominee in my view but after seeing her in "Alex Cross" I wouldn't mind boning her. lol!

Seriously. She's a bit player in the market of actors and actresses that is destined for mediocrity at best. In the meantime, any film she appears in I'll enjoy the eye candy while it lasts. That's it. That's all.


Yeah. What kind of sicko eats meat or buys cars?

I'm never going to watch a film of hers ever again after hearing this information.


The Internet has brought out the worst in people. For sad, pathetic reasons, there are many, many people out there who ridicule or denigrate someone who doesn't live exactly as they do or believe exactly the same things they do.

Hence, today in 2014, we have the gross misuse of the word, 'racist' by so many people, especially from those who know their accusation will be printed in the media because being branded a racist means you're guilty until proven innocent.
I didn't say the previous poster used the word, 'racist'; it wasn't used. But today anyone who doesn't agree with one or if you don't like them, is a racist. Bill O'Reilly is right to call these people, 'race-hustlers' and their culture of promoted victimization.


You're having a whinge about trivialities and most likely trolling. I don't see you on 95% of the other celebrity boards banging your drum for Vegan living. How about Breaking Bad? That show had bacon & eggs in almost every episode. You should start a thread there and make duplicates in the Gilligan/Cranston boards.

Never tell me the odds.
