MovieChat Forums > Samantha Morton Discussion > 6 degrees of Samantha

6 degrees of Samantha

I thought Id start a 6 degrees chain for her. Ive done a couple on some of the other boards and it's been fun.

I guess I'll start with Francis McDormand


Samantha Morton + Colin Farrell ("Minority Report")

Colin Farrell + Samuel Jackson ("SWAT")

Samuel Jackson + Robert De Niro ("Jackie Brown")

Robert De Niro + Frances McDormand ("City By The Sea")

I guess that's more a four-degrees thing!


great, you should add a name when youre done so it can continue.
How about Whoopi Goldberg.


If directors count:

Whoopie + Steven Spielberg (The Color Purple)

Spielberg + Samatha in (Minority Report)

or - I can do it in 3 several ways, here's one:

Whoopie + Cuba Gooding Jr. (Rat Race)

Cuba + Tom Cruise (Jerry Maguire)

Tom + Smatha in (Minority Report)

This is too easy: how about someone wacky like: Kareem Abdul-Jabaar?


Kareem Abdul-Jabaar (as "The Archangel of Basketball") + Jim Varney in 'Slam Dunk Ernest'

Jim Varney + Wayne Knight in 'Toy Story II'

Wayne Knight directed by Stephen Spielberg in 'Jurassic Park'

Stephen Spielberg directs Morton in 'Minority Report'.

Wacky again: Can anyone connect her to Urkel from 'Family Matters'?


I had to use a perviously used string once I got to Sam Jackson but--

Jaleel White (Urkle) + Reginald VelJohnson (Carl) on "Family Matters"

Reginald VelJohnson + Bruce Willis (Die Hard/Die Hard 2)

Bruce Willis + Samuel L. Jackson (Die Hard with a Vengence/Pulp Fiction/Unbreakable)

Samuel L. Jackson + Collin Ferril (S.W.A.T.)

Collin Ferril + Samantha Morton (Minority Report)

Since we're on early 90's sitcoms, how about Kimmy (Andrea Barber) from Full House?


Andrea Barber + Ashley/Mary Kate Olsen (Full House)

Ashley/Mary Kate Olsen + Demi Moore (Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle)

Demi Moore + Tom Cruise (A Few Good Men)

Tom Cruise + Samantha Morton (Minority Report)


Since you did not post a person, I will post one for you.

How about...Rupert Grint


I had to go through Sprout:

Rupert Grint + Miriam Margolyes (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Miriam Margolyes + Samantha Morton (Dreaming of Joseph Lees)

Here's three tough(?)ies to ponder over:

Orson Welles
Christopher Lloyd
Neve Campbell

Don't have to do all of 'em at once :o)

Unfortunately for this little pup, I'm just a PEOPLE doctor.
