Christian Grey

Anyone else think he would play the perfect Christian in Fifty Shades of Grey?


Yes. The whole time I read those books, I pictured him.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Glad to know that I wasn't alone! (Although, I think I also pictured him with his accent, and being from Michigan myself, I know that a Detroit native will not be portrayed with a British accent :P )


what a shame, they really don't have to copy the books exactly, I'm totally fine with his accent


No! It will end his career! He is too talented an actor to appear in that garbage.


No! It will end his career! He is too talented an actor to appear in that garbage.

This...just no.

Walt Miller. Am I right?


You're hardly serious! The books aren't even popular anymore. I would imagine his reaction to doing 50 Shades would be similar to Emma Watsons, which was something along the lines of "as if."


As i read the books, i too pictured Joseph as he is a very talented actor and could play the dominant Christian Grey perfectly. He would sound great with his British Accent.


I don't think he has any competition for the role of CG. He has elegance, charm and a strong arrogance and demanding/commanding demeanor about him. Not to mention the fact that he is positively gorgeous. As far as the accent goes, any actor worth their weight in salt can change and conform their accents when needed and I don't have any doubts that Mr. Morgan is worth his weight in salt. There is no doubt that Joseph Morgan IS Christian Grey. I just wish that Mr. E.L. James and those casting the film would stand up and notice and quickly.
