MovieChat Forums > Kate Moennig Discussion > I am a guy and I really like her in the ...

I am a guy and I really like her in the shows I've seen her in

It started out with "Young Americans" and then a couple of years later "The L Word" (big shocker there), and I guess I've seen her glipse by in one or two indie flicks; however, that's the extent of it.

Now, I've heard complaints that she always plays essentially the same androgynous, almost butch roles. I guess the consensus among her detractors is that she more or less plays herself with slight variations, but let's face it, people: the same can be said about countless respected actors, even some of the iconic ones. Some people just happen to have a certain kind of charisma to them, and of course audiences respond to that, especially if the actor/actress in question happens to be easy on the eyes and not totally without talent.

That is not to imply that there aren't virtual chameleons out there, but according to my exacting standards, those are pretty few and far between.

Ok, I'll stop pontificating and get to the question I wanted to ask:

Which of her roles to date differs the most from the others in terms of body language and overall behaviour?

Don't get me wrong: given the right role and script I wouldn't mind her usual routine one little bit - I'm just curious.


did they ever do a DVD for YOung Americans?

are u being sarcatic about L word? i'm not really surprised there...


Well, not so much sarcastic as ironic, to be precise.


Hmmm, it doesn't seem as if anyone can think of a role she's played were she wasn't more or less typecast in the way we've seen thus far. A shame, that.


Hm. Good question. Maybe Eva in Invitation to A Suicide? There didn't seem to be any gender issues there. Then again there wasn't much to her character, period. She was the object of affection, kind of aloof to the lead's romantic interest in her.


I am just hoping that she will try to challenge herself and choose a role really out from left side.


Kate's role on "Law & Order: SVU" was, in my opinion, her most impressive performance. The episode is titled, "Fallacy" and if you haven't already viewed it, you should. She played a transgendered, pre-op male-to-female. She did not tell her boyfriend that she was trans. Among Kate's hard-core fans, many of us agree that her work on "SVU" showcased her diversity and ability to be vulnerable...Very much "Anti Shane," if you will. I was blown away! Granted, that role, like most others she has assumed, was LGBT-related...but, her character had many layers and by the end of the episode, I was in tears.

Her role in "Three Rivers" was alright, but I knew within the first five minutes of the pilot that that show would be cancelled. "Three Rivers" lacked that certain something to keep it going...Especially considering the highly competitive Sunday-night time slot it was given. As a character, I found "Miranda" likeable, but the show was plot driven rather than character driven. I stopped watching after a few episodes because of that very reason. For me to give a d@mn about a show, I need to be able to invest in it's characters.

Ultimately, Kate is dripping with charisma and gifted with raw talent. Additionally, she is blessed with the kind of beauty that makes her stand out. Her style is unique and while she has countless imitators, there is only one Kate Moennig. She is certainly an icon in the LGBT community, but it would be great to see Kate mix it up a bit. I know that she has the talent to play nearly any part. I hope that she gets the chance!


I saw her in the SVU episode you mentioned above, and as the daughter of a murdering mother or stepmother on one of the CSIs, IIRC, so I can't really compare her roles, but I agree with you that she was simply fantastic as the TGM2F. I don't think I've ever felt so attracted to a character... not in that I'd want to sleep with him/her, but man I wanted to give him/her a big hug and some words of comfort. The end was sad beyond words.


The ending of that episode was heartbreaking, indeed. I know what you mean about being attracted to/drawn to that character. There have been many episodes of SVU that have pulled at my heartstrings, but no other character or storyline on SVU has touched me like that. Just thinking of that ending and what her character would be facing...damn, that is devastating.
