MovieChat Forums > Kate Moennig Discussion > Dating Holly Miranda?

Dating Holly Miranda?

I read somewhere that ppl seem to think that she is dating Holly Miranda. I think it is true since Kate tweets to her all the time. And Holly Miranda is an out lesbian. What do you guys think?


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I've heard the rumor, though I don't know how true it is. But I did see Holly Miranda perform roughly a year ago and was very impressed with her music. Her songs struck me, thought she had some interesting arrangements. So if it is true then I think it's cool that Kate's found herself with someone so awesomely creative. :)


I can guarantee you Kate & Holly are dating plus heard Holly is moving to L.A to be nearer. I saw them in groecery store together about 2 weeks ago and trust me they are lovers, no doubt about that.


I have heard the rumors myself wasn't really sure if they are true. If they are that is awesome! I just started a twitter account to try and keep up with a lot of the celebraties from the L word, but I am not sure if I am really getting their accounts or not.. How do I know if I really have Kate's?


OMG seriously?! You SAW them at a grocery store!!! LUCKY YOU!!! lol what made you think they were lovers? were they holding hands or something? aww


I think there is a photo of them walking with groceries. Its on one of the fan videos on youtube.


@SJODay12 Kate's account is @katemoennig, that's the real one, and yes, I am pretty sure that they are together.
@BorisTheDog There is a nice set of Kate's photos on Among them are mentioned photos.


Fan video, huh? Hope it's not the same people that harrassed Kate at a magazine booth. Anyways, got the link to there?

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