MovieChat Forums > Kate Moennig Discussion > Lena - Ray Donovan

Lena - Ray Donovan

The woman is majorly hot! It was nice to see her in the Ray Donovan pilot. Can't wait to see more of Lena in the upcoming series.


Glad to know she is great in Ray Donavon.Im looking forward to this show airing in England.


She was fabulous! If I had one complaint it would be there needed to be more Lena! Cannot really complain because the entire pilot was fabulous and I can see it being another Showtime success.


She's gorgeous! And Lena is a character who's roughness & edginess is something I'm looking forward to seeing more of.


In all honesty, she wasn't given enough screen time for me to form a opinion about Lena other than my already shallow fan comments of "she was majorly hot & fabulous". The camera loves Kate. She has unconventional beauty and confident stage presence that draws me to her. I'm hoping Ann Biderman will give both Lena and Avi (the incredibly hot Steven Baur) more time. There'd so much Liev assistants could bring to the table.


Lena was simply fab & marvelously funny in tonight's Ray Donovan Twerk episode. Nicely done Kate Moennig!


Not even sure why they cast her or what the character is for. She's had had nothing to do in 4 episodes and it gets worse every episode. What a waste!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Her parts are crucial to the scenes with the main man himself but she needs more to work with. Lena is being downplayed in the first 4 episodes.


Tonight's scenes with Lena were a highlight for me. She totally kicked ass tonight! I like how more and more of her personality is being revealed in each episode.
