MovieChat Forums > Kate Moennig Discussion > Ray Donovan////////Lena Back Story

Ray Donovan////////Lena Back Story

I know there is a similar thread praising Ms. Moenning work on this show, this is not a duplicate

I wondering what the back-story is for Lena??

We got a pretty good idea what everyone else s is, but I don't recall much about Lena.

I've seen every show and don't remember much about her if anything was ever stated

You don't have to stand tall, but you have to stand up!


No major backstory on Lena yet but perhaps she'll get story later. Season 1 finale when she sat Bridget down on the beach for heart to heart she told little girl Ray was a good father because she knew personally what a bad father was. Clues me in that she probably comes from abusive home.

Her persona in my mind is akin to Lisbeth Salendar of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, rough edged and tough rocker chick. She's deserving of her own story arc.
