High Art

Recently discovered Indy films...and High Art (1998). Perhaps years earlier people discussed this film with Radha Mitchell...and not just talk about who she looks like. I wish I were eloquent enough to artistically applaud her talent here. I speak for this film primarily. What an intense character, frankly a intense overall subject. I try to keep an open mind about films. When a film captivates me beginning to end, I find myself very satisfied. But urgggh, ....the way the movie ended...no fairy tale ending? HA! But truly films such as this have the most emotional impact on me (once I get over my immediate frustration for not providing the fairy tale endings!). I liked it guys. Quite a bit.


Just watched High Art for the first time. I loved the movie, but the ending did suck! If they really needed someone to die in the film, why couldnt it be Greta?? I LOVE Ally Sheedy and have been watching her since the early 80's. She is one of my favorite actresses and wouldnt kick her out of my bed!! I have seen Radha Mitchell in a few films also... BIG Riddick fan over here!! She is welcome in my bed anytime also! I just cant get over that ending.... Ally and Radha, keep making films you beautiful beautiful women and I will keep watching them. And if you are ever in Illinois, look me up!


I love High Art. It is a predictable film but any Radha fan would love the hell out of it.

