MovieChat Forums > Wentworth Miller Discussion > Prison Break Revival Sets Sarah Wayne Ca...

Prison Break Revival Sets Sarah Wayne Callies to Return




Well it does make sense. She was part of the original series.

- What about being proud of being me ? -


Yea exactly so can't wait to see what they do with the character, What would you like to see play out in this mini series



The thing is, I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand I'm very happy to have the gang back together, but on the other I'm really nervous about what they are going to do storywise.
I mean the whole arc had come to an end, the story was over and done with, and I don't see what else there is to be said.
In the article they are suggesting Michael is still alive and that's what it's all going to be about, but that seems so far fetched and preposterous (not that a *lot* of has been going on until now wasn't) that I fear they might ruin the whole thing.
Dunno. Just have to wait and see, I guess.
The main thing is I want to be surprised and entertained.
What about you?

- What about being proud of being me ? -


I'm just curious of how Michael is still alive and what happened with some bits that we were kept in the dark in, It depends how far fetched of how he is still alive but I'm sure it will be a good answer :-]

I think they will have more in store than just how he survived but a couple of more twists along the way-Maybe about the arc??


No offense to her, but I think she is a pretty bad actress. Her wide open "shocked" eyes look annoy me

--A friend is a gift you give yourself--


Hey Ladiu, it's me - your nemesis, haha! Wink,wink.

Anyway i agree with you - i'm pretty sure the plot to explain why michael scofield is alive will be well....... stupid.

But you know, the whole series went down the drain - and we're in the era of drudging up past series well beyond their expiry date - erm Full House anyone! LOL! So yeah they will definitely have a mega stupid plot to explain scofield's return, and the whole story line will be lame......... but you know you'll be watching, as will I, as will Doll and Nic and all the other 'old timers'!


As a ghost like Rick Grimes was seeing?


That made me laugh, How do you think about him being alive will get explained?
