MovieChat Forums > Ian McShane Discussion > when he was young he looked alot like......

when he was young he looked alot like....

Rufus sewell. At least in my opinion.


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I was watching The Terrorists (also called Ransom) from 1975 and he looks exactly like the lead singer of Bush, Gavin Rossdale, who I believe was in the movie Constantine.


he looks more like a swarthy evil brother of Johnny Cash.


I totally agree about Rufus (who I'm a HUGE fan of!). The same dark curls, same cheekbones, same big heavy-lidded eyes (different color though!), even their noses and teeth are somewhat similar. Oh, and they both have distinct voices too...and both do voicework.

If you look up pictures of Rufus from 'Helen of Troy' his facial hair is similar to Al Swearengen, and they look SO much alike.

Ian reminds me of Gabriel Burn(sp?) a lot too.


Yes! I have actually mistaken Reed for Ian a coupe of times.


without the mustache and if he looks gloomier than usual, he looks like brad garrett of 'everybody loves raymond' - he looks really menacing. even if he plays a good guy role, like the one he's playing in the seeker: the dark is rising, he still looks very deathly... IMO...
- i'm a sucker for good indie films


I think he looks like a cross between Gabriel Byrne and Al Pacino (older).

Peace & Blessings!


He did a nice job in Constantine.
