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Don't be silly. He works all through Grey's hiatus so his career is in no danger. Besides, Grey's gives him what every actor needs...a steady paycheck so he can choose what he wants of the other stuff.

Moreover, Grey's have given him the opportuinty to direct, first the webisodes then an episode or two. Get over it. KMK is doing just fine.



Yeah, he's probably pulling in between 35,000 - 100,000 an episode, maybe more. Hell, that unknown bitch from Lost got 80,000 per episode when the show started and no one had heard of her, Kevin at least had fans and exposure in the UK and had some relative fame thanks to Rome and Journey Man in the US, this most likely got him a good pay day but he is an English speaking foreigner and they're loved for their training backgrounds, work ethic, accent perfection and being cheaper.

I know it should just be about the art but that crappy indie movie you thought was so special isn't going to pay the mortgage for a month let alone buy you a nice modest house on an affluent estate whilst kids go to a private school.
