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One Tree Hill; Lindsey should be on the show for good!

I was completely blown away by Lindsey's performance in last nights episode of One Tree Hill. She is absolutely amazing as Taylor. Does anyone else agree? I think OTH should add her to the show for good. Lindsey is a much better actress than many people already on the show, and Taylor is a more interesting character than Millicent, Alex, all the new Australian characters, and the bartender combined. I think OTH would be missing out if they didn't bring her on the show for the rest of this season (and the next season..if there is one!) I love OTH right now, and I thought last night's episode was awesome. What does everyone think?


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I totally agree....She was amazing!


yes she's real hot!


Yes I totally agree. She was amazing. Her and Joy (Haley) both blew me away. If OTH gets a season 8 I think they would be crazy not to have Lindsey as a regular. I'd love to learn more about Taylor and see more of her relationship with her sisters.


she's talented and a very hot redhead too...


I completely agree! If they don't add her to the show for season 8, that would be a shame. Lindsey was amazing! And I want to learn more about her character and her relationship with her sisters! I'm so glad people responded to this, its really hard for me to find faithful Lindsey fans! :D


i like her she's hot!

is there gonna be a Season 8 even??

they should just add her as a regular the remainder of this year..


i'd rather have her as a series regular than quinn, she is was better than her!

Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they burn!
