MovieChat Forums > Melissa McCarthy Discussion > Fat feminazis are NOT funny...

Fat feminazis are NOT funny...

Not intentionally at least.


I'd tend to agree. What's that have to do with her?

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


fat misogynists ain't funny either


She's a poor man's Chris Farley


Dont see the similarities Farley was way more than just a fat guy he was really funny, his entire persona, his manerism, his voice, even if the guy was skinny he still would have been hilarious, McCarthy "comedy" depend almost entirely in her fatness


bye deplorables


while I do not think melissa mccarthy is a talented performer and do not go see any of her movies comments like these is exactly why the messageboards are being shut down. Of course then there will be no reason to come to the imdb website but the idiot owner does not realize that or just does not care.


Oh no, another snowflake had their feelings hurt by political satire.

Make America Thin-skinned Again!


You're all over useless aren't you. You'll have to build a dam, or dyke, or big wall to keep out the flood of negative comments about her. It's probably too late.
