MovieChat Forums > Seth MacFarlane Discussion > Not Funny Liberal Idiot!

Not Funny Liberal Idiot!

So if you take him away from the cartoon characters he draws he just isn't funny at all. His movies are bust after bust, he ruined the Oscars the year he hosted ( isn't hard to do, but.........) and he is a Liberal moron. I love to sit down and watch Family Guy, and I know the show takes shots at everyone, nobody is off limits, but I remember it was two days after the Trump/Bush Bus tape that this Socialist prick decided to inject it into an episode and total ruin my night.
Now as IMDB caves to these Liberals who speak their mind and then complain about reading the feedback on their bio section, this guy decides to go and trash our new Education Sec. It takes a special type of ahole like Seth to continue his BS on Tweeter without a care in the world of what people overseas take away from his words and the words of all his Liberal/Socialist buddies. So 4 more days until IMDB shuts us (The Real Americans) down and guys like Seth, Oswalt Patton, Busta Rymes, and all their female counterparts we need these jokers to know how we feel about their Anti-American statements and hope for only the worst for all of them as Trump does 8 strong years. Getting us back to where we are suppose to be. F U Seth!!!!!!!!!!
