MovieChat Forums > Eva Longoria Discussion > Eva Mendez is a lot more attractive than...

Eva Mendez is a lot more attractive than Longoria

Eva Longoria has permanent avian face or "duck face". Mendez's facial features are a lot more pleasing to the eye. There is also the issue of the body proportions. Eva Longoria's lethargy is evident by her sagging arms and visible double chin. She is "thin" relative to people in the United States. However, she is very pudgy which makes her body very unappealing and unaesthetic in comparison to Eva Mendez's more feminine and firm figure.


While I don't think Longoria is THAT great, I still find her to be much better looking than Mendez! I just find Mendez to be trashy and I find her to be a bit on the skeevy side, like she's been "around the block" a few times..And you can't be serious about Longoria being pudgy!! Ugh, where the hell are you from?? I have never heard ANYBODY call her pudgy! If anything, people say she's too skinny! You must be from a country where "sexy thin" means looking like a sick disgusting walking skeleton..Here in the US, "sexy thin" means not only being skinny but toned as well with SOME meat (boobs, etc)..NOT pale-looking skeletons!!

"Everyone's a star & deserves the right to twinkle."
-Marilyn Monroe


LOL...sorry but if you did a poll a lot of people are going to have to disagree with you. Eva Mendez has a very nice body but her face is just okay. She has sort of masculine features, a big nose, beady eyes. Don't get me wrong, she's not ugly but she's still attractive.

It is nice to know that someone has a different taste though. If we all had one taste it would suck cuz hey someone's bound to think one person is beautiful while the other doesn't.

do IMDB people have nothin better to do? =P


Eva Mendez reminds me of Raquel Welch.
The Divine Genealogy Goddess


'However, she is very pudgy which makes her body very unappealing and unaesthetic in comparison to Eva Mendez's more feminine and firm figure.'
she is pudgy only around the waist, midriff bulge. Liposuction would help that.


meh, I prefer this Eva.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Eva Mendez is the cat's meow. Absolutely stunning


Eva Mendez is not only attractive, she is talented, bright and street smart. She has a successful acting career, something Longoria cannot equal.


Counting my vote for Eva Longoria it is 5 for Longoria and 4 for Mendez.

I'm surprised that it is even this close, Longoria is much more feminine and pretty but to each his own.
