Psycho Tweeter

What a piece of anti-American garbage. Glad DH has ended as I would never watch it again otherwise. Tweet away Eva, you are making Liberals look dumber and dumber by the moment. Oh and btw - Obama's ratings are tanking by the hour so get used to saying President Romney. LOL. Ladies and gentleman, this is what the "tolerant" left is made up of.

PS - anyone see the DAILY articles talking about the Left wanting to assassinate Romney WHEN he wins? Or the threats of riots? Yeah, be proud Dem party, you've been hijacked by Progressive Communists which is exactly why I left it 7 years ago!


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I use to be a fan until she started displaying how unstable she is on Twitter. She seems really twisted.

''A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed.'' ~Basil Fawlty


She's an Obama campaign co-chair? Wow, they must be thrilled to have such a person working for them. Every time I see her and her liberal friends in the Move On ad and then I see her vile tweets, it makes me so proud to be a conservative woman and so proud of our soon to be elected President Romney.


What a smug little twit!

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


She's chalking it up to a "tweet malfunction" LOL! What a freaking ditz! I swear liberals get dumber by the year. If she thinks, along with her elitist Hollywood tribe, she's doing Obama any favors, she's mistaken. I'm an independent, and she just gave me another reason not to vote Obama...her!!!

reply a-Longoria-to-resign

For high-profile Obama supporter, Alan Colmes, it looks as though Longoria's apology was too little and way too late. Today on Fox News, the Democrat called for Ms. Longoria to resign from her high-profile perch on the Obama campaign. einer

Today, though, this Obama campaign co-chair only made things worse for herself. Rather than apologize like a grown-up or leave things with her wordless deleting of the Tweet, Longoria just proved with this Tweet that she believes "accountability" is something her maid should accept on her behalf. t-romney

Eva Longoria, who rose to fame on "Desperate Housewives" and is now best known for supporting President Obama's reelection campaign, retweeted a vulgar, hateful comment about Mitt Romney following last night's debate.


She's chalking it up to ''tweet malfunction'' LOL!
Somthing 'malfunctioned' alright. Not only is she not bright, but she is also extremely vulgar. Her use of the derogatory term for the human vulva showed her to be a classless pig. I wouldn't want her on my 'team' for any reason.

I use to be a fan.

''A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed.'' ~Basil Fawlty
