MovieChat Forums > Eva Longoria Discussion > What is up w/ all the cheating?!?!?

What is up w/ all the cheating?!?!?

Tony is soooo friggin ugly and Eva is sooo pretty. He should have thanked his lucky stars he landed such a beautiful woman and yet he cheats. Why can't people keep their legs closed dammit or just not commit 2 a monogamous relationship?!?!?

R.I.P. Yvette 7/25/1924-1/29/2002 I love you and miss you more and more every day!!


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There are NO CONFIRMED reports that Tony did in fact cheat on Eva. Only that he traded "suspicious" texts with another woman for a year. Exactly HOW did Eva find these texts? Did she pull a Rhianna & snoop in Tony's phone? IMO, she wanted out, period & is using these texts as the excuse. And the greedy bitch wants alimony too! WTF for? She makes enough on her own!

*The difference between fact & opinion: What u think is opinion What I think is fact!*


At this point, it doesn't matter if she was "snooping" in his phone. The point is, he CHEATED and she happened to catch him by doing so.

"Everyone's a star & deserves the right to twinkle."
-Marilyn Monroe


The point is, he CHEATED and she happened to catch him by doing so.Since when is TEXTING someone other than your spouse CHEATING? Again, they have not said that Tony CHEATED! They're only saying that he was TEXTING someone else! None of the reports claim he cheated! QUIT jumping to conclusions! We all know that if Tony had indeed cheated, all the websites would be SCREAMING "Tony cheated" and NONE of them are! Besides, why is Eva getting her panties in a wad over Tony texting when she's all butt buddies with Mario Lopez? It's the SAME shyt!

*The difference between fact & opinion: What u think is opinion What I think is fact!*


Exactly HOW did Eva find these texts?
Spies, eyewitnesses, suspicious behavior leading you to "hire" spies, hearsay... it's really NOT that hard to catch a cheater especially when you're loaded.


can't outrun your own shadow


Ugh LOL relax!!!!! Anyway, I read/heard that Tony was texting a teammate's ex wife andd that they were indeed having an affair! That's what's all over the news right now..SO if that IS true, then yes, I stand behind what I said!

"Everyone's a star & deserves the right to twinkle."
-Marilyn Monroe


always get a prenuptial agreement. Woman have no real desire to take care of themselves and love to punish. I think in the next twenty years the emotional cruellty of woman will be disected and presented to the world. In general, woman are emotional cruel while men are physically abusive. In my opinion, we aren't made to fight one another only those of our same sex.

Its no surprise that another crap couple bites the dust.


always get a prenuptial agreement. Woman have no real desire to take care of themselves and love to punish. I think in the next twenty years the emotional cruellty of woman will be disected and presented to the world. In general, woman are emotional cruel while men are physically abusive. In my opinion, we aren't made to fight one another only those of our same sex.

Its no surprise that another crap couple bites the dust.
