Thank God

His face is too glorious to have been hidden behind that beard for so long.


He does look fantastic...he looked so handsome at the premiere. I did like the beard though, especially in the third season, but just recently it had become a bit shaggy looking. I'm sure it is a relief for him to be rid of it.


His dedication to the beard was admirable but it was time to come off. His wife has to be happy about it.


so I guess filming for season 5 is over? Or will they show him shaving on the show?


so I guess filming for season 5 is over? Or will they show him shaving on the show?

I have not read the comics (only the first), but I believe I have read somewhere that Rick shaves in the comic at some point.
Andrew said in a recent interview that Rick has either found a razor, season five is a flashback or Rick is dead. I hope it is not the second or last option!


I remember in the comics at one point after the prison they found another gated community type place and Rick got a chance to clean up. I liked comic Rick better with the beard though.
