MovieChat Forums > Andrew Lincoln Discussion > Other work other than

Other work other than

Walking Dead. Weird that he hasn't gotten any film work in the last 5 years. Seems like he would want to exploit his fame from the show. Dead only films 5-6 months a year.


He says he does not want to work off season. He wants to be a full time husband & dad, pick the kids up at pre school, etc.

He gets offered tons of projects, and turns them down. He has very strict rules for his private and professional life.


I just hope after the walking Dead ends that he will still get work in America and not just England again that would leave me heart broken. Because I would like to see him in other projects after this and succeed in other stuff.


I noticed he doesn't attend many conventions and appearances as often as other casts too, which sucks bc id love to meet him. He's my fav.
