Hosting SNL

The other guys from AMC's other popular and iconic shows, Jon Hamm and Bryan Cranston, have hosted Saturday Night Live on a few occasions, so it seems fair to me that Andrew Lincoln should be given a shot, too.

The thing with Andrew Lincoln is that he is a trained actor and he's done comedy before, so I bet he would do a good job. It would also be kind of fun to see him lighten up a little.

Don't get me wrong, I think Jon Hamm is terrific and Mad Men is a great show and he was great on SNL, but The Walking Dead has double the viewership and has an insane International following around it that is culturally important, which makes me think Andrew Lincoln, who is the glue to why the show works so well, needs to be booked on SNL for Fall 2015.

I honestly don't get why this hasn't happened yet.


Maybe he has been approached about hosting and either isn't interested or doesn't have the time.


he probably prefers to spend his free time in England instead of the States.....just my thought


Because he doesnt have that kind of personality and would rather be boiled in oil than do something like that. He hates self promotion and attention, to the degree of not watching himself on film and hates mirrors. SNL hosting would be his idea of hell.

Extroverts like Reedus are more suited to that.
