MovieChat Forums > Andrew Lincoln Discussion > His accent on Walking Dead

His accent on Walking Dead

Is it just me, or is his american accent simply awful?

My first language isn't English, so I may be wrong here, but his american accent sounds really bad to me - so forced to the point of being ridiculous. I saw interviews with him and his British accent is just so much easier on the ears, he trying to sound american seems just unnatural...

So what you born Americans think, is his accent good or not?


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Scroll through this message board, ull see you're the only one. Even Atlanta natives are surprised he's actually English. Most ppl didn't realize it until they hear him talk during interviews.

So yea, like I said, you're the only one.


Yeah I'm familiar with southern accents and I knew he was British from love actually but no, his southern accent definitely is good.


His accent is way better than a lot of Americans I've seen. Andrew rocks his part!


I'm in the US and from the Northeast, and was very surprised to find out that he's from England, as I thought he might actually be from the South since his accent is so good, IMO anyway.

Do you need a bowman!?


I thouht his accent was so good I didn't realize he was British. He pulls it off quite well, in my opinion.


I live close to Georgia and Andrew does a southern accent well. The only time he slips is when he says Carl's name. AL pronounces Carl name as "Coral" while a true southerner would pronounce Carl as "Car-ull". I don't know why AL does that but it makes me laugh. Chandler Riggs (Carl) and some friends actually did a video poking fun at the pronounciation:


your first language isn't English, yet you think you can tell that his American accent is forced? 😜
